Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
2009 Köhler, F; Dames, C. Phylogeny and systematics of the Pachychilidae of mainland Southeast Asia – novel insights from morphology and mitochondrial DNA (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda, Cerithioidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 157 679–699.
2009 Köhler, F; Holford, M; Do, T. V; Ho, T. H. Exploring a largely unknown fauna: On the diversity of pachychilid freshwater. Molluscan Research 29 121–146.
2003 Wilson, NG. Australian Aphelodoris (Mollusca: Nudibranchia): two new species, sperm ultrastructure and a redescription of Aphelodoris greeni. The Marine Flora and Fauna of Dampier, Western Australia 563-587.
2006 Wilson, NG. New record of the nudibranch Polycera hedgpethi Marcus, 1964 in South Australia, with a discussion on its occurrence in Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. 69 137-140.
2002 Attenbrow, V.J. Sydney’s Aboriginal Past. Investigating the Archaeological and Historical Records. (hard cover). 264.
2010 Attenbrow, V. J. Sydney’s Aboriginal Past. Investigating the Archaeological and Historical Records. (2nd edition – soft cover). 264.
1997 Kupriyanova E.K; Jirkov I. A. Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) of the Arctic Ocean. Sarsia 82 203-236.
2010 Soars, N. A; Leis, J. M. Larval development of the Common Ponyfish, Leiognathus equulus (Teleostei: Leiognathidae). Ichthyological Research 57 3 263-271.
2010 Quéré, G; Leis, J. M. Settlement behaviour of larvae of the Stripey Snapper, Lutjanus carponotatus (Teleostei: Lutjanidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 88 227-238.
2010 Ashcroft, M. B. Identifying refugia from climate change. Journal of Biogeography 37 1407-1413.
2010 Miller, E. J; Eldridge, M. D. B; Thomas, N; Marlow, N; Herbert, C. A. The genetic mating system, male reproductive success and lack of selection on male traits in the greater bilby. Australian Journal of Zoology 58 2 113-120.
2009 Irisson, J-O; Leis, J. M; Paris, C; Browman, H. Biological Processes: Behavior and Settlement. 295 42-60.
2009 Robertson, G; Attenbrow, V; Hiscock, P. The multiple uses of Australian backed artefacts. Antiquit 83 (320) 296-308.
2010 Telfer, W. R; Eldridge, M. D. B. High levels of mitochondrial DNA divergence within short-eared rock-wallaby (Petrogale brachyotis) populations in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 58 2 104-112.
2010 Ashcroft, M. B; Gollan, J. R; Faith, D. P; Carter, G. A; Lassau, S. A; Ginn, S. G; Bulbert, M. W; Cassis, G. Using Generalised Dissimilarity Models and many small samples to improve the efficiency of regional and landscape scale invertebrate sampling. Ecological Informatics 5 124-132.
1984 Wilson, G. D. F. The evolution of the janiroidean female reproductive apparatus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota). Annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, American Microscopical Society, Animal Behavior Society, Biological Society of Washington, Crustacean Society and the International Association of Astacology, Society of Systematic Zoology, and Western Society of Naturalists 67A.
1999 Wilson, G.D.F; Johnson, R.T. Ancient endemism among freshwater isopods (Crustacea, Phreatoicidea). The Other 99%. The conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates. 264-268.
1997 Wilson, G. D. F. 1.3 The Suborder Asellota. The Crustacea 59-109.
1992 Wilson, G. D. F. Biological evaluation of a preservational reserve area; faunal data and comparative analysis. The biological impact of deep ocean manganese nodule mining. Report for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ocean Minerals and Energy Office contract number 50-DSNC-9-00108 62.
1997 Wetzer, R; Brusca, R. C; Wilson, G. D. F. Introduction to the marine Isopoda. Taxonomic atlas of the benthic fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and western Santa Barbara Channel: The Crustacea Part 2. The Isopoda, Cumacea and Tanaidacea 1-8.
2006 Hazlitt, S.L; Sigg, D.P; Eldridge, M.D.B; Goldizen, A.W. Restricted mating dispersal and strong breeding group structure in a mid-sized marsupial mammal (Petrogale penicillata). Molecular Ecology 15 2997-3007.
2002 Wilson G.D.F; Keable S.J. New Genera of Phreatoicidea (Crustacea: Isopoda) from Western Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 54 41-70.
2009 Wilson, G. D. F; Humphrey, C. L; Colgan, D. J; Gray, K. A; Johnson, R. N. Monsoon-influenced speciation patterns in a species flock of Eophreatoicus Nicholls (Isopoda; Crustacea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51 349-364.
2009 Wilson, G. D. F. The phylogenetic position of the Isopoda in the Peracarida (Crustacea: Malacostraca). Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 67 159-198.
2006 Frankham R; Wilcken J. Does inbreeding distort sex-ratios. Conservation Genetics 7 6 879-893.
2010 Frankham, R; Ballou, J. D; Briscoe, D. A. Introduction to conservation genetics, second edition. 1-618.
2010 Frankham, R. Inbreeding in the wild really does matter. Heredity 104 124.
2003 Wilson, G. D. F. A new genus of Tainisopidae fam. nov. (Crustacea: Isopoda) from the Pilbara, Western Australia. Zootaxa 245 1-20.
2003 Wilson, G. D. F. Clean slaters. Nature Australia Autumn 82.
2001 Wilson, G. D. F. Australian groundwater-dependent isopod crustaceans. Records of the Western Australian Museum Records 239-240.
1989 Wilson, G. D. F. A systematic revision of the deep-sea subfamily Lipomerinae of the isopod crustacean family Munnopsidae. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography 27 1-138.
1987 Wilson, G. D. F. The road to the Janiroidea: Comparative morphology and evolution of the asellote isopod crustaceans. Zeitschrift fuer Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 25 257-280.
1983 Wilson, G. D. F. Variation in the deep-sea isopod, Eurycope iphthima (Asellota, Eurycopidae): Depth related clines in rostral morphology and in population structure. Journal of Crustacean Biology 3 127-140.
1981 Wilson, G. D. F. Taxonomy and postmarsupial development of a dominant deep-sea eurycopid isopod (Crustacea). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 94 276-294.
1981 Wilson, G. D; Hessler, R. R. A revision of the genus Eurycope (Isopoda, Asellota) with descriptions of three new genera. Journal of Crustacean Biology 1 401-423.
1974 Wilson, G.D; Hessler, R.R. Some unusual Paraselloidea (Isopoda, Asellota) from the deep benthos of the Atlantic. Crustaceana 27 47-67.
2009 Attenbrow, V; Robertson, G; Hiscock, P. The changing abundance of backed artefacts in south-eastern Australia: a response to Holocene climate change?. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 2765-2770.
1994 David, B; I. McNiven; J. Flood; V. Attenbrow. Of Lightning Brothers and White Cockatoos: dating the antiquity of signifying systems in the Northern Territory. Antiquity 68(259) 241-51.
1995 Attenbrow, V.J; B. David; J. Flood. Mennge-ya 1 and the origins of points: new insights into the appearance of points in the semi-arid zone of the Northern Territory. Archaeology in Oceania 30 105-20.
1998 Attenbrow, V.J; R. Fullagar; C. Szpak. Stone files and shell fish-hooks in southeastern Australia. A Closer Look: Recent Australian Studies of Stone Tools 127-48.
2011 Gollan, J. R; Reid, C. A. M; Barnes, P. B; Wilkie, L. The ratio of exotic-to-native dung beetles can indicate habitat quality in riparian restoration. Insect Conservation and Diversity 4 2 123-131.
2007 Attenbrow, V. Emu Tracks 2, Kangaroo & Echidna, and Two Moths. Further radiocarbon ages for Aboriginal sites in the Upper Mangrove Creek catchment, New South Wales. Australian Archaeology 65 51-54.
2008 Black, M; Mooney, S; Attenbrow, V. The implications of a 14,200 year contiguous fire record from Goochs Swamp, NSW Blue Mountains, Australia, for human-fire-climate relationships. The Holocene 18(3) 437-47.
2009 Attenbrow, V. Aboriginal placenames around Port Jackson and Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia: sources and uncertainties. Aboriginal History Monograph Series Monograph 19 9-54.
2010 Köhler, F. Three new species and two new genera of land snails from the Bonaparte Archipelago in the Kimberley, Western Australia (Pulmonata, Camaenidae). Molluscan Research 30 1 1-16.
2008 Gozar, M. M; Goodchild, A; Passioura, T; King, A; Lai, A; Witherington, C; Rivory, L. Dz13, a DNAzyme Targeting c-jun, induces off-target cytotoxicity in endothelial cells with features of nonapoptotic programmed cell death. Oligonucleotides 18 (3) 257-268.
1999 Serov, P. A; Wilson, G. D. F. A revision of the Pseudojaniridae Wilson, with a description of a new genus of Stenetriidae Hansen (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota). Invertebrate Taxonomy 13 67-116.
1993 Poore G. C. B; Wilson G. D. F. Marine species richness. Nature 361 597-598.
1997 Colgan, D.J; J.R. Paxton. Biochemical genetics and recognition of a western stock of the common gemfish, Rexea solandri (Scombroidea: Gempylidae), in Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 48 2 103-118.
1999 Paxton, J.R; P.A. Hulley. Neoscopelidae, Myctophidae. The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 3 1955-1965.