Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
2003 Hutchings P.A; Lunney D.. Filtering the words on the rising tide of the marine conservation debate. Conserving marine environments. Out of sight out of mind 129–139.
1986 Hutchings P.A; Kiene, W.E.. Bioerosion of Coral Reefs. Oceanus 79 2 71–73.
2003 Hutchings P.A; Karageorgopoulos, P.. Designation of a neotype of Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) and a description of a new species of Marphysa from eastern Australia. Hydrobiologia 496 87–94.
1989 Hutchings P.A; Howitt, L.. Mass spawning of polychaetes on the Great Barrier Reef. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Congress, Townsville 1988 2 739–744.
1990 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. Additional new species of F. Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from Western Australia, with a key to all described species from the region. The Flora and Fauna of the Albany Area, Western Australia 1.
1987 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. The Thelepinae (F. Terebellidae) from Australia together with a discussion of the generic and specific characters of the family. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 7 217–250.
1986 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. A new genus of Thelepinae (F. Terebellidae) Glossothelepus from Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 99 1 84–87.
2004 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.. Port surveys for introduced marine species-and the fate of the material collected. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 1009-1011 N/A.
1998 Hutchings P.A; Frouin, P; Hily C.. Two new species of Spionidae (Polychaeta) from Tahiti, French Polynesia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 11 799–806.
1994 Hutchings P.A.. Infauna of seagrasses and sediments. Jervis Bay Baseline Studies. Vol 2 569-615.
1994 Hutchings P.A.. Epifauna of mangroves and sediments. Jervis Bay Baseline Studies. Vol 2 619-653.
1993 Hutchings P.A.. New species of the family Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Proceedings of the 5th International Marine Biological Workshop. The Marine Flora and Fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Volume 1 321-330.
1987 Hutchings P.A.. Determination of faunal populations in mangroves. Mangrove Ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific 265–270.
1986 Hutchings P.A.. Variability in polychaete recruitment at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, a long term study and an analysis of its potential impact on coral reef ecosystems. Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Symposium 5 245–250.
1986 Hutchings P.A.. Biological Destruction of Coral Reefs—A review. Coral Reefs 4 4 239–252.
1985 Hutchings P.A.. Why worms. Australian Natural History 21 8 341–343.
1984 Hutchings P.A.. An illustrated guide to the polychaetes of New South Wales. .
1984 Hutchings P.A.. Proceedings of the First International Polychaete Conference. .
1984 Hutchings P.A.. Marine worms. Great Barrier Reef 164–171.
1983 Hutchings P.A.. Cryptofaunal communities of coral reefs. Perspectives in Coral Reefs 200–208.
1983 Hutchings P.A.. The wetlands of Fullerton Cove, Hunter River, N.S.W.. Coast and Wetlands 3 12–21.
1982 Hutchings P.A.. The Polychaetes of South Australia. The Handbook Fauna Series, Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Southern Australia, Vol. 1 228–298.
1982 Hutchings P.A.. The fauna of Australian Seagrass Beds. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W. 106 1/2 181–200.
1981 Hutchings P.A.. Polychaete recruitment onto dead coral substrates at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Bulletin of Marine Science 31 2 410–423.
1977 Hutchings P.A.. Opportunists in Hiding. Australia Natural History 19 3 86–89.
1973 Hutchings P.A.. Gametogenesis in a Northumberland population of the polychaete Melinna cristata. Marine Biology 18 199–212.
1999 Hutchings P.A; Ponder W.F.. Criteria for assessing and conserving threatened invertebrates. A summary of a workshop held in conjunction with the Other 99% Conference. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales N/A 297–315.
2002 Hutchings P.A; Peart, R.. A review of the genera of Pectinariidae (Polychaeta) together with a description of the Australian fauna. Records of the Australian Museum 54 99–127.
2005 Hutchings P.A; Haynes D; Goudkamp, K; McCook, L.. Catchment to Reef: Water quality issues in the Great Barrier Reef region-an Overview of papers. Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 3-8.
2005 Kononenko N.A.. The Transition from hunter-gatherer subsistence to the marine resources exploitation in the Russian Far East. North Pacific – cultural adaptations at the end of Pleistocene and Holocene 154–158.
2002 Kononenko N.A.. Man and Landscape in Past: Ustinovka Paleolithic Complex (Russian Far East). The 7th International Symposium: Suyanggae and Her Neighbours 89-93.
1996 Kononenko N.A.. Late Paleolithic: Early Neolithic of Eastern Asia and Northern America. .
1993 Kononenko N.A.. Paleoecology of the Stone Age and the origin of complex economy in Primorye. Beifangwengwu 4 90-92.
1993 Kononenko N.A.. Late Paleolithic and Early Neolithic periods in Primorye: Problems of origin and intercommunication of ancient cultures. Prehistory and Ancient History 4 153-166.
1993 Kononenko N.A.. The Primorye Region in the Early Holocene: succession and cultural transformation. Historical Experience of the Exploitation of the Russian Far East 9-12.
1992 Kononenko N.A.. Economic changes on Sakhalin Island and Primorye Region during the Paleolithic period. Regional Bulletin 1 3-21.
1992 Kononenko N.A.. Cultural and economical relationships and contacts between Sakhalin Island and the Primorye Region during the Stone Age. B.O. Pilsudskyi – Researcher of People from Sakhalin Island 133-139.
1990 Kononenko N.A.. Habitation in the Primorye region during the Stone Age. Quaternary Stratigraphy and Events in Asia and the Pacific Region 103-105.
1990 Kononenko N.A.. Functional analysis of the Paleolithic industry of the Ust-Karakol site. Investigation of Paleolithic Objects in the Anui River Basin 43-47.
1989 Kononenko N.A.. Problems in the origin of fishing and sea hunting in the Primorye Region. Archaeological Survey on the Sakhalin and Kuril Islands 36-37.
1989 Kononenko N.A.. Complexes of the Early Holocene of the Primorye Region in light of traceological analysis. Technological and Social Progress During the Epoch of Prehistoric Society 33-35.
1989 Kononenko N.A.. On the problem of the origin of the Neolithic tradition of stone tools in the Primorye Region. Problems in the Study of Sites in the Far East and Siberia 14-16.
1988 Kononenko N.A.. Wood, antler and bone processing in the Stone Age in the southern part of the Far East. Technology of Ancient Industries in the Far East 26-32.
1987 Kononenko N.A.. Stone tools of the Neolithic complex of the closed type in light of traceological study. Historical Reading 36-39.
1987 Kononenko N.A.. Neolithic stone tools in light of experimental and traceological study. Northern Asia in Stone Age 160-176.
1986 Kononenko N.A.. Experimental and traceological methods in archaeology. Problems of Archaeological Research in the Far East of the USSR 142-147.
1986 Kononenko N.A.. Some aspects of the paleoeconomy of the Primorye Region. The Problems in Social Ecology 91-92.
1985 Kononenko N.A.. Ancient miners of Primorye region. Environment 10 47-49.
2003 Hutchings P.A; Avery, L.. New records of the Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, and Pectinariidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia. Fauna and Flora of the Dampier Archipelago 425-451.
2005 Hutchings P.A.. Editorial, rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 1-4.