Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
2002 Leis J.M; T. Trnski; L.E. Beckley. Larval development of Pagellus natalensis and what larval morphology indicates about relationships in the perciform fish family Sparidae. Marine and Freshwater Research 53 367-376.
1982 Leis J.M; J.E. Randall. Chilomycterus spilostylus, a new species of Indo Pacific burrfish (Pisces, Tetraodontiformes, Diodontidae). Records of the Australian Museum 34 3 363-371.
1997 Leis J.M; J.E. Olney; M. Okiyama. Introduction to the Proceedings of the Symposium on Fish Larvae and Systematics: Ontogeny and Relationships. Bulletin of Marine Science 60 1 1-6.
1985 Leis J.M; J.T. Moyer. Development of the eggs, larvae, and pelagic juveniles of three Indo Pacific ostraciid fishes (Pisces: Tetraodontiformes): Ostracion meleagris, Lactoria fornasini and Lactoria diaphana. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 32 2 189-202.
1976 Leis, J.M; Miller, J.M.. Offshore distributional patterns of Hawaiian fish larvae. Marine Biology 36 359-367.
2002 Leis J.M; McCormick, M.I.. The biology, behaviour and ecology of the pelagic, larval stage of coral-reef fishes. Coral Reef Fishes: New insights into their ecology 171-199.
2006 Leis, J.M; Hay, A.C; Trnski, T.. In situ behavioural ontogeny in larvae of three temperate, marine fishes. Marine Biology 148 3 655-669.
2007 Leis J.M; M.F. Gomon; H.K. Larson. Australian fish taxonomists – an endangered species. AMSA Bulletin 176 32-33.
1989 Leis, J.M; Goldman, B; Reader, S.E.. Epibenthic fish larvae in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon near Lizard Island, Australia.. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 35 4 428-433.
1984 Leis J.M; B. Goldman. A preliminary distributional study of fish larvae near a ribbon reef in the Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 2 4 197-203.
2006 Leis J.M; Fisher, R.. Swimming speed of settlement-stage reef-fish larvae measured in the laboratory and in the field: a comparison of critical speed and in situ speed. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa N/A 438-445.
2003 Hutchings P.A; Avery, L.. New records of the Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae, and Pectinariidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia. Fauna and Flora of the Dampier Archipelago 425-451.
2005 Hutchings P.A.. Editorial, rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 1-4.
2004 Hutchings P.A.. Invertebrates and threatened species legislation. Threatened Species Legislation: is it just an Act N/A.
2004 Hutchings P.A.. Conservation of Australian Marine Invertebrates. JMBA Global marine environment 1 18-19.
2004 Hutchings P.A.. Port Surveys for introduced marine species- and the fate of the material examined. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 1009-1011.
2003 Hutchings P.A.. Threatened Species Management: out of its depth for marine invertebrates. Conserving marine environments. Out of sight out of mind 81–88.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Flabelligeridae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 215-218.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Sabellariidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 176-180.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Oweniidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 173-176.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Polynoidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 152-157.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Aphroditidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 117-121.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Acoetidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 112-115.
2000 Hutchings P.A.. Family Scalibregmatidae. Polychaetes & Allies: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia. Vol. 4A Polychaeta, Myzostomida, Pogonophora, Echiura, Sipuncula 86-88.
1999 Hutchings P.A.. Taxonomy of estuarine biota in Australia. Proceedings of International Conference of the Ecology of Estuaries and soft sediment habitats. Australian Journal of Ecology 24 381–394.
1998 Hutchings P.A.. The ethics of reviewing papers– a case study. Ethics, Money and Politics Modern Dilemmas for Zoology 12-15.
1995 Hutchings P.A.. A review of the Whitehouse report on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Australian Zoologist 30 1 113–120.
1994 Hutchings P.A.. The Pacific Reefs: A Paradise Lost. .
2002 Leis J.M; Carson-Ewart B.M; Cato D.H.. Sound detection in situ by the larvae of a coral-reef damselfish (Pomacentridae). Marine Ecology Progress Series 232 259-268.
2002 Leis J.M; Carson-Ewart B.M.. In situ settlement behaviour of damselfish larvae (Pisces: Pomacentridae). Journal of Fish Biology 61 1 325-346.
1995 Leis J.M; Bray D.J.. Larval development in the lutjanid subfamily Paradicichthyinae (Pisces):the genera Symphorus and Symphorichthys. Bulletin of Marine Science 56 2 418-433.
2006 Leis J.M.. A species by any other name. Explore 29 2 10-11.
1997 Leis J.M.. Book Review: “The Early Stages of Fishes in the California Current Region, CalCOFI Atlas 33”, edited by H.G. Moser. 1505 pp. Bulletin of Marine Science 60 1 213-214.
1994 Leis J.M.. Coral Sea atoll lagoons - closed nurseries for the larvae of a few species of coral-reef fishes. Bulletin of Marine Science 54 1 206-227.
2006 Faith D.P; Williams, K.J.. Research needs and challenges for the “systematic conservation planning” approach to the 2010 biodiversity target. Actions for the 2010 biodiversity target in Europe – how does research contribute to halting biodiversity loss? Report of an e-conference 27-29.
2005 Faith D.P; K.J. Williams. How Large-scale DNA Barcoding Programs Can Boost Biodiversity Conservation Planning: Linking Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) Analyses to the Barcode of Life Database (BoLD). Abstract. Australian Entomological Society's 36th AGM and Scientific Conference/7th Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation Conference/Australian Systematics Society .
2007 Faith, D. P; Williams, K; Ferrier, S. A practical framework for conservation scenarios and planning for the Southwest Australia Ecoregion. Southwest Australia Ecoregion Initiative .
2002 Faith D.P; Walker, P.A.. The role of trade-offs in biodiversity conservation planning: linking local management, regional planning and global conservation efforts. Journal of Biosciences 27 101-115.
1996 Faith D.P; Walker, P.A.. Environmental diversity: on the best-possible use of surrogate data for assessing the relative biodiversity of sets of areas. Biodiversity and Conservation 5 399-415.
2001 Faith D.P; Nix, H.A; C.R. Margules; Hutchinson, M.F; Walker, P.A; West, J; Stein, J; Kesteven, J.L; Allison A; Natera G.. The BioRap Biodiversity Assessment and Planning Study for Papua New Guinea. Pacific Conservation Biology 6 4 279-282.
1987 Faith D.P; Minchin, P.R; Belbin, L.. Compositional dissimilarity as a robust measure of ecological distance. Vegetation 69 57-68.
2008 Faith, D. P; Ferrier, S; Williams, K. J. Getting biodiversity intactness indices right: ensuring that “biodiversity” reflects “diversity”. Global Change Biology 14 207–217.
2002 Faith D.P; S. Ferrier. Linking beta diversity, environmental variation, and biodiversity assessment. Science 296 N/A.
2003 Faith D.P; Carter G; Cassis G; Ferrier, S; Wilkie, L.. Complementarity, biodiversity viability analysis, and policy-based algorithms for conservation. Environmental Science and Policy 6 311–328.
2007 Faith, D. P; Baker, A; Klaere, S. How large scale barcoding promotes large-scale biodiversity assessment. Second International Barcode of Life Conference 18-20 Sept. 2007, Conference Abstracts .
2007 Faith D.P.. Biodiversity. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy .
2006 Faith D.P.. Phylogenetic diversity and spatial conservation priorities. Technical workshop: approaches to identifying and setting spatial conservation priorities. .
2006 Faith D.P.. The need for interdisciplinary research. Actions for the 2010 biodiversity target in Europe – how does research contribute to halting biodiversity loss? Report of an e-conference 70-71.
2006 Faith D.P.. Taxonomic research and 2010. Actions for the 2010 biodiversity target in Europe – how does research contribute to halting biodiversity loss? Report of an e-conference 70-71.
2006 Faith D.P.. The role of the phylogenetic diversity measure, PD, in bio-informatics: getting the definition right. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online 2 301–307.