Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
2005 Faith D.P.. Indicator taxa in support of the 2010 Biodiversity Target. GBIF Seed Money Prioritization ECAT - Electronic Conference, May 25 – June 1, 2005 .
2005 Faith D.P.. Phylogenetic diversity (PD) provides biodiversity surrogates information that can enhance the contribution of DNA barcoding programs to conservation planning. First DIVERSITAS Open Science Conference: "Integrating biodiversity science for human well-being", 9-12 November 2005 .
2005 Faith D.P.. Global Biodiversity Assessment: Integrating Global and Local Values and Human Dimensions. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions 15 5-8.
1993 Sadlier, R.A.. A range extension for the scincid lizard Ctenotus angusticeps of northwestern Australia. Herpetofauna <em>23 </em> <em>1 </em> 7-8.
1990 Sadlier, R.A.. The Scincid Lizard Genus Nannoscincus Gunther: a Revaluation. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum <em>29 </em> <em>2 </em> 487-494.
1989 King, M; R.A. Sadlier; P. Horner. A note on the status of Gehyra baliola (Dumeril and Bibron, 1851) in Australia. The Beagle <em>6 </em> <em>1</em> 163-167.
2008 Boles, W. E. Systematics of the fossil Australian giant megapodes Progura (Aves: Megapodiidae). Oryctos 7 195-215.
1989 Sadlier, R.A; G. Shea. The Reptiles of Mungo National Park and the Willandra Lakes Region. Herpetofauna <em>19</em> <em>2</em> 9-27.
1988 Sadlier, R.A.. Bavayia validiclavis and Bavayia septuiclavis, two new species of gekkonid lizard from New Caledonia. Records of the Australian Museum <em>40 </em> <em>6 </em> 365-370.
1987 Sadlier, R.A.. Distribution by habitat of six Ctenotus species in SW N.S.W.. Herpetofauna <em>17</em> <em>1</em> 1-4.
1987 Sadlier, R.A.. The scincid lizard Ctenotus brachyonyx Storr in N.S.W.. Herpetofauna <em>17</em> <em>1</em> 22-24.
1986 Cogger, H.G; R.A. Sadlier. Population size and structure in the Fijian Crested Iguana. Studies in Herpetology 507-512.
1984 Sadlier, R.A.. A new Australian scincid lizard, Menetia concinna, from the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory. Records of the Australian Museum <em>36</em> <em>2 </em> 45-49.
1984 Sadlier, R.A.. A new Australian scincid lizard, Ctenotus coggeri, from the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory. Records of the Australian Museum <em>36 </em> 153-156.
1983 Cogger, H; R.A. Sadlier; E. Cameron. The Terrestrial Reptiles of Australia's Island Territories. 80 pages.
1997 Leis, J.M; B.M. Carson-Ewart. In situ swimming speeds of the late larvae of some Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series <em>159 </em> 165-174.
2017 Frankham, G.J., Thompson, S., Ingleby, S. Soderquist, T. and Eldridge M.D.B. Does the ‘extinct’ Eastern Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) persist in Barrington Tops, New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy 39 2 243-247.
2016 Ahyong, S.T. Baba, K. Uroptychus michaeli (Decapoda, Chirostylidae), a new species of deep-water squat lobster from north-western Australia and Taiwan. Crustaceana 90 799-806.
2016 Poore, A.G.B., Ahyong, S.T., Lowry, J.K. and Sotka E.E. Plant feeding promotes diversification in the Crustacea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 33 8829-8834.
2010 Dugan, Jenifer E., Omar Defeo, Eduardo Jaramillo, Alan R. Jones, Mariano Lastra, Ronel Nel, Charles H. Peterson, Felicita Scapini, Thomas Schlacher, and David S. Schoeman. Give Beach Ecosystems Their Day in the Sun. Science 329 1146.
2017 Allen, G.R. and Hoese, D.F. A new species of Allomogurnda (Gobioidei: Eleotridae) from the Sepik River system of Papua New Guinea. Cybium 41 171-177.
2017 Chang, S.C., Tshudy, D., Sorhannus, U., Ahyong, S.T. and Chan, T.Y. Evolution of the thaumastocheliform lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda, Nephropidae). Zoologica Scripta 46 3 372-387.
2002 Faith D.P.. Those Complementarity Analyses Do Not Reveal Extent of Conservation Conflict in Africa. Science 293 N/A.
2002 Faith D.P.. Quantifying biodiversity: a phylogenetic perspective. Conservation Biology 16 248-252.
1999 Faith D.P.. Error and the growth of experimental knowledge. Systematic Biology 48 675-679.
1997 Faith D.P.. Some considerations in the design of a national biodiversity monitoring system for Brazil's protected areas. International workshop on biodiversity monitoring in federal protected areas: defining the methodology 51-65.
1994 Faith D.P.. Genetic diversity and taxonomic priorities for conservation. Biological Conservation 68 69-74.
1994 Faith D.P.. Phylogenetic pattern and the quantification of organismal biodiversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B 345 45-58.
1988 England B.M; Sutherland F.L.. Volcanic Zeolites and Associated Minerals from New South Wales. Mineralogical Record 19 389-406.
2004 Duraiappah A. and et al. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis Report for the Convention on Biological Diversity Summary for Decision-makers. UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/10/6 .
2008 Doelman, T; Torrence, R; Popov, V; Ionescu, M; Kluyev, N; Sleptsov, I; Pantyukhina, I; White, P; Clements, M. Source selectivity: an assessment of volcanic glass sources in the Southern Primorye Region, Far East Russia. Geoarchaeology 23 2 1-31.
2004 Doelman, T; Kononenko N.A; V. Popov; G. Summerhayes; Torrence R; R. Bonetti; A. Guglielmetti; A. Manzoni; M. Oddone. Acquisition and movement of volcanic glass in the Primorye Region of Far Eastern Russia. Humane problems of the Asian-Pacific region countries 4 46 112–124.
1979 Day, J.H; Hutchings P.A.. An Annotated Checklist of Australian and New Zealand Polychaeta and Myzostomidae. Records of the Australian Museum 32 80–161.
1983 Davis, J; Schofield E; Torrence R; Williams D.. Keos and the Eastern Aegean: the Cretan Connection. Hesperia 52 361-366.
1983 Davies, P.J; Hutchings P.A.. Initial colonisation, erosion and accretion on coral substrates – experimental results Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 2 27–35.
1993 Crowe D; Torrence R.. Admiralty Islands spear decorations: a minicatalog of pmm patterns. Symmetry: Culture and Science 4 385-396.
1973 Common, I.F.B; Moulds M.S.. The date of publication of Captain Phillip King's Narrative of a survey of the intertropical and western coasts of Australia. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 6 4 257-259.
1977 Collett, L; Hutchings P.A.. Guidelines for the Management of Estuaries and Estuarine Wetlands. N/A.
2006 Colgan D.J; Hutchings P.A; Braune, M.. A multigene framework for polychaete phylogenetic studies. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 6 220-235.
1991 Coenraads, R.R; Paige, S.C.B; Sutherland F.L.. Ilmenite mantled rutile crystals from the Uralla district, New South Wales. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 124 23-34.
1994 McGrouther, M.A.. Review of; Last, P.R. & J.D. Stevens. 1994. Sharks and Rays of Australia. Australian Natural History 24 11 70.
1994 McGrouther, M.A.. Review of; Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 1993. Multilingual Illustrated Dictionary of Aquatic Animals and Plants. Fishing News Books. Pp. 518. AMSA Bulletin 127 21.
1995 McGrouther, M.A.. Fish bones and bits on the beach. 1-2, 10 figs.
2006 Bauer A.M; Jackman, T; Sadlier R.A; Whitaker A.H.. A New Genus and Species of Diplodactylid Gecko (Reptilia: Squamata: Diplodactylidae) from Northwestern New Caledonia. Pacific Science <em>60</em> <em>1 </em> 125-135.
1996 Leis, J.M; M.A. McGrouther. Regional Larval Fish Archives now in operation: Availability of an important Fisheries Resource. Australian Society for Fish Biology, Inc. Newsletter 26 2 25-31.
2005 Sadlier R.A; O'Meally D; Shea G.M.. A New Species of Spiny-tailed Gecko (Squamata: Diplodactylidae: Strophurus) from Inland Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum <em>51 </em> <em>2 </em> 573-582.
1999 McGrouther, M.A.. Hoplichthyidae. Ghost flatheads (spiny flatheads). The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. Vol. 4. 2422-2524, 4 figs.
1999 McGrouther, M.A.. New Developments at the Australian Museum. Newsletter of Systematic Ichthyology. California Academy of Sciences 21 39.
2000 McGrouther, M.A.. Biologist at work. Nature of Biology. Book 1 81.
2000 McGrouther, M.A.. Review of; Ryan, P. & C. Paulin. 1999. Fiordland Underwater: New Zealand's Hidden Wilderness. Nature Australia 26 8 72.