Staff Publications
Showing 1451 to 1500 of 2557
Year | Reference |
2006 | Graham, Ian; Fanning C.M; Sutherland F.L..
Mesozoic charnokitic xenoliths from central Victoria: Zircon SHRIMP dating and preliminary geochemistry.
Abstracts of the Australian Earth Sciences Convention, 2006, Melbourne N/A.
1994 | Gordon P; Patrick, K..
Australian Museum's Aboriginal Collections: Brungle Mission.
1994 | Gordon P. and Patrick, K..
Australian Museum's Aboriginal Collections: Morrison Collection.
1986 | Gordon P..
A museum's role in Aboriginal society today..
Archaeological Objectivity in Interpretation N/A.
1981 | Gordon P..
From Ignorance to Doubt: My first year in the Australian Museum.
Coma Bulletin 7 15-16.
1987 | Golubev, V.A; Kononenko N.A..
Stone implements from the Neolithic Kuznetsovo III site (South-Western coast of Sakhalin Island).
New Data on Prehistoric Archaeology of the South of the Far East 3-7.
2005 | Gole C; Burton, M; Williams, K.J; Clayton, H; Faith D.P; White B; Huggett A; Margules C.R..
Auction for Landscape Recovery : National Market-based Instrument Pilot Program: Project Final Report.
2005 | Garraffoni A.R.S; Lana, P.C; Hutchings P.A..
A catalogue of the Trichobranchinae (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) of the world.
Zootaxa 1065 1-27.
1987 | Leis J.M..
Minimum requirements for published descriptions of larval fish development.
Australian Ichthyoplankton Newsletter 2 4-5.
1986 | Leis J.M..
Epibenthic schooling by the larvae of the spratellodine clupeid Spratelloides gracilis.
Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 33 1 60-62.
1985 | Leis J.M..
Book Review: "The bibliography on the identification of the eggs, larvae and juveniles of the marine shorefishes of Japan".
Newsletter of the Early Life History Section of the American Fisheries Society 6 3 11-13.
1982 | Leis J.M..
Hawaiian creediid fishes ( Crystallodytes cookei and Limnichthys donaldsoni ): development of eggs and larvae and use of pelagic eggs to trace coastal water movement.
Bulletin of Marine Science 32 1 166-180.
1982 | Leis J.M..
Distribution of fish larvae around Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef: coral reef lagoon as refuge?.
Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium (Manila) 2 471-477.
1986 | Koul, S.L; Chadderton, L.J; Sutherland F.L..
On the annealing behaviour of fission tracks in zeolites. Nuclear Tracks radiation measurements.
International Journal of Applied Instrument D11 1/2 85-92.
1996 | Kononenko N.A; V.V. Mamunin.
New microblade complexes in Primorye.
Late Paleolithic – Early Neolithic of Eastern Asia and Northern America 137-145.
2003 | Kononenko N.A; H. Kajiwara.
Chronology and Ecology of archaeological sites of Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene in the Zerkalnaya River Valley.
Foraging Population of the Sea of Japan during the Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene 140-153.
1995 | Kononenko N.A; H. Kajiwara.
Archaeological discoveries in Primorye.
Human Problems of the Asian-Pasific Region Countries 1 106-108.
2003 | Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik; A.M. Korotky; H. Kajiwara; Y. Yokoyama.
The stratigraphy and formation of cultural deposits at Ustinovka 3, Ustinovka 6 and Ustinovka 7 sites.
Foraging Population of the Sea of Japan during the Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene 49-73.
1997 | Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik.
Lithic technology and economy at the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary in the southern part of the Far East.
Russian Far East within context of World History: from the Past to the Future 308-313.
1995 | Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik.
New aspects of the study of ancient sites in Primorye.
Human Problems of the Asian-Pacific Region Countries 4 9-12.
1999 | Kononenko N.A; J. Cassidy.
Subsistence activity in the context of changing environment during the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in the Zerkalnaya River Valley of the Russian Far East.
Annual Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 12 57-61.
1993 | Kononenko N.A; A .V.Garkovik; H. Kajiwara.
Investigation of the Preceramic Site of Ustinovka 3 in the Primorye Region.
2007 | Kononenko, N. A.
The contribution of use-wear/residue studies of obsidian for understanding changes in settlement and subsistence patterns in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea.
Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 27 135-143.
1977 | Hutchings P.A; Weate, P.B..
The distribution and abundance of cryptofauna at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef.
Indonesian Journal of Zoology 17 99–112.
1989 | Hutchings P.A; van der Velde, J.T; Keable, S.J..
Baseline survey of Twofold Bay NSW with a discussion of the marine species introduced into the Bay.
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 110 4 339–367.
1984 | Hutchings P.A; Turvey, S.P..
The Spionidae of South Australia.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 108 1 1–20.
1982 | Hutchings P.A; Turvey, S.P..
The Nereididae of Southern Australia.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 106 93–144.
2000 | Hutchings P.A; Salvat B..
French Polynesia.
The Indian Ocean to the Pacific 813–826.
1990 | Hutchings P.A; Reid A..
The Nereididae from Australia. Part 1.
Records of the Australian Museum 42 1 69–100.
1982 | Hutchings P.A; Rainer, S.F..
Designation of a neotype of Capitella filiformis Claparede, 1864, type species of the genus Heteromastus (Polychaeta: Capitellidae).
Records of the Australian Museum 35 4 373–381.
2005 | Hutchings P.A; Peyrot-Clausade, M; Osnorno A..
Influence of land runoff on rates and agents of bioerosion of coral substrates.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 438-447.
1984 | Hutchings P.A; Murray A..
A taxonomic account of the Polychaetes from the Hawkesbury River and some other estuarine areas in central and southern New South Wales, Australia.
Australian Museum Supplement 3 1–118.
2003 | Hutchings P.A; Lunney D..
Filtering the words on the rising tide of the marine conservation debate.
Conserving marine environments. Out of sight out of mind 129–139.
1986 | Hutchings P.A; Kiene, W.E..
Bioerosion of Coral Reefs.
Oceanus 79 2 71–73.
2003 | Hutchings P.A; Karageorgopoulos, P..
Designation of a neotype of Marphysa sanguinea (Montagu, 1813) and a description of a new species of Marphysa from eastern Australia.
Hydrobiologia 496 87–94.
1989 | Hutchings P.A; Howitt, L..
Mass spawning of polychaetes on the Great Barrier Reef.
Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Congress, Townsville 1988 2 739–744.
1990 | Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J..
Additional new species of F. Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from Western Australia, with a key to all described species from the region.
The Flora and Fauna of the Albany Area, Western Australia 1.
1987 | Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J..
The Thelepinae (F. Terebellidae) from Australia together with a discussion of the generic and specific characters of the family.
Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington 7 217–250.
1986 | Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J..
A new genus of Thelepinae (F. Terebellidae) Glossothelepus from Mexico.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 99 1 84–87.
2004 | Hutchings P.A; Glasby C..
Port surveys for introduced marine species-and the fate of the material collected.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 48 1009-1011 N/A.
1998 | Hutchings P.A; Frouin, P; Hily C..
Two new species of Spionidae (Polychaeta) from Tahiti, French Polynesia.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 11 799–806.
1994 | Hutchings P.A..
Infauna of seagrasses and sediments.
Jervis Bay Baseline Studies. Vol 2 569-615.
1994 | Hutchings P.A..
Epifauna of mangroves and sediments.
Jervis Bay Baseline Studies. Vol 2 619-653.
1993 | Hutchings P.A..
New species of the family Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from Rottnest Island, Western Australia.
Proceedings of the 5th International Marine Biological Workshop. The Marine Flora and Fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Volume 1 321-330.
1987 | Hutchings P.A..
Determination of faunal populations in mangroves.
Mangrove Ecosystems of Asia and the Pacific 265–270.
1986 | Hutchings P.A..
Variability in polychaete recruitment at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, a long term study and an analysis of its potential impact on coral reef ecosystems.
Proceedings of the 5th International Coral Reef Symposium 5 245–250.
1986 | Hutchings P.A..
Biological Destruction of Coral Reefs—A review.
Coral Reefs 4 4 239–252.
1985 | Hutchings P.A..
Why worms.
Australian Natural History 21 8 341–343.
1984 | Hutchings P.A..
An illustrated guide to the polychaetes of New South Wales.
1984 | Hutchings P.A..
Proceedings of the First International Polychaete Conference.