Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
2007 Nishi, E; Kupriyanova, E.K; Tachikawa, H. Metavermilia ogasawaraensis sp. nov. (Serpulidae: Sabellida: Polychaeta: Annelida) from deep-sea locations off Ogasawara Island, Japan with the taxonomic review of the genus Metavermilia.. Zootaxa 1447 47-56.
2002 Kupriyanova E.K; Havenhand J.N.. Variation in sperm swimming behaviour and its effect on fertilization success in the serpulid polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa.. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 41 21-26.
2001 Kupriyanova, E.K; E. Nishi; H.A. ten Hove; A.V. Rzhavsky. A review of life history in serpulimorph polychaetes: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 39 1-101.
1999 Kupriyanova, E.K.. The taxonomic status of Serpula columbiana Johnson 1901 the Asian and American coasts of the North Pacific Ocean. Ophelia 50 21-34.
1998 Kupriyanova, E.K; Badyaev A.V.. Ecological correlates of Arctic Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) distributions.. Ophelia 49 181-193.
2008 Zhou, Z. Y; Zhen, Y. Y. Editorial preface. Trilobite record of China I-V.
2009 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I. G; Liu, J. B; Zhang, Y. D. Conodont fauna and biostratigraphy of the Honghuayuan Formation (Early Ordovician) of Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 33 3 257-295.
2008 Zhou, Z. Y; Zhen, Y. Y; Peng, S. C; Zhu, H. J. Notes on Cambrian trilobite biogeography of China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 47 4 393-404.
2008 Zhou, Z. Y; Zhen, Y. Y; Peng, S. C. A review of Cambrian biogeography of China. 4th International Trilobite Conference <em>Advances in trilobite research. Cuadermos del Museo Geominero, 9</em> .
2008 Zhou, Z. Y; Zhen, Y. Y. Trilobite-constrained Ordovician biogeography of China with reference to the faunal connections with Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129 183-195.
2008 Zhen, Y. Y; Pickett, J. W. Ordovician (Early Darriwilian) conodonts and sponges from west of Parkes, central New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 129 57-82.
2007 Zhen, Y. Y; Liu, J.B; Percival, I.G. Revision of the conodont Erraticodon hexianensis from the upper Meitan Formation (Middle Ordovician) of Guizhou, South China. Palaeontological Research 11 145-162.
2007 Percival, I.G; Zhen, Y.Y. Darriwilian conodonts of Eastern Australia: biostratigraphy and biogeographic distribution. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 46 Supplement 387-392.
2006 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I.G; Liu, J.B. Rhipidognathid conodonts from the Early Ordovician Honghuayuan Formation of Guizhou, South China. Palaeoworld 15 194-210.
2006 Zhen, Y.Y; Percival, I.G; Liu, J.B. Early Ordovician Triangulodus (Conodonta) from the Honghuayuan Formation of Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 30 191-212.
2004 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I.G; Webby, B.D.. Conodont faunas from the Mid to Late Ordovician boundary interval of the Wahringa Limestone Member (Fairbridge Volcanics), central New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 125 141-164.
2004 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I.G; Webby, B.D. Early Ordovician (Bendigonian) conodonts from central New South Wales, Australia. Courie Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 245 39-73.
2004 Zhen, Y.Y; Percival, I.G. Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) conodonts from allochthonous limestones in the Oakdale Formation of central New South Wales, Australia. Alcheringa 28 77-111.
2003 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I.G. Ordovician conodont biogeography – reconsidered. Lethaia 36 357-369.
2003 Zhen, Y. Y; Percival, I.G; Farrell, J. Late Ordovician allochthonous limestones in Late Silurian Barnby Hills Shale, central western New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 124 41-63.
2001 Zhen, Y. Y; Nicoll, R.S; Percival, I.G; Hamedi, M.A; Steward, I.. Ordovician Rhipidognathidae (Conodonta) from Australia and Iran. Journal of Paleontology 75 1 186-207.
1999 Zhen, Y.Y; Webby, B.D; Barnes, C.R. Upper Ordovician conodonts from the Bowan Park succession, central New South Wales, Australia. Geobios 32 1 73-104.
1998 Yong Yi Zhen. Biogeographic and biostratigraphic perspectives for Australian Devonian rugose corals. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 37 3 359-379.
2001 Yong Yi Zhen. Distribution of the Late Ordovician conodont genus Taoqupognathus in eastern Australia and China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 40 3 351-361.
2007 Yong Yi Zhen. Revision of Microplasma parallelum Etheridge, 1899 (Cnidaria: Rugosa) from the Middle Devonian Moore Creek Limestone of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 128 201-208.
2009 Groundwater-Smith, S; Kelly, L. Learning outside the classroom: A partnership with a difference. Connecting Inquiry and Professional Learning in Education 179-191.
1998 Mark McGrouther. Managing Collections of Ethanol Preserved Tissue Samples. Proceedings of the Sixth National Workshop on Fish Collection and Taxonomy. 1 7-10.
2007 Wilson, NG; Belcher, RL; Lockhart, SJ; Halanych, KM. Multiple lineages and an absence of panmixia in the ‘circumpolar’ crinoid Promachocrinus kerguelensis in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica.. Marine Biology 152 4 895-904.
2007 Wilson, NG; Willan, RC.. Hypselodoris jacksoni, a new species from the south-western Pacific Ocean (Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae), with a discussion on intraspecific variation in mantle glands in Chromodoris willani Rudman, 1982.. Zootaxa 1549 29-42.
2008 Turner, L. M; Wilson, N. G. Paraphyly across oceans: a molecular phylogeny of the Chromodorididae (Mollusca, Nudibranchia). Zoologica Scripta 37 23-42.
2009 Rouse, G. W; Wilson, N. G; Goffredi, S. K; Young, C. M; Vrijenhoek, R. C. Spawning and metamorphosis of Osedax boneworms. Marine Biology 156 395-405.
2009 Holland, N. D; Wilson, N. G. Molecular identification of larvae of a tetraphyllidean tapeworm (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) in a razor clam; an alternative intermediate host in the life cycle of Acanthobothrium brevissime. Journal of Parasitology 95 1215-1217.
2010 Salmen, A; Anton, R; Wilson, N. G; Schrödl, M. Briarella doliaris spec. nov., a new philoblennid copepod parasite from Australia: a potential link to the Splanchnotrophidae (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoidea). Spixiana 33 1 19-26.
2011 Deheyn, D. D; Wilson, N. G. Bioluminescent signals spatially amplified by wavelength-specific diffusion through the shell of a marine snail. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B online first doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.2203.
1999 Attenbrow, V.J. The Southeast. Australian Coastal Archaeology 193.
2003 Attenbrow, V; Stern, N; P. Veth. Obituary: Pat Vinnicombe. Australian Aboriginal Studies 2003/1 103-104.
1995 Attenbrow, V.J. Book review: The Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia. Gen. Ed. David Horton, 1994. Nature Australia 25(1) 72.
1995 Attenbrow, V.J. Book review: Blue Mountains Dreaming: The Aboriginal Heritage, edited by E. Stockton, 1993. Australian Archaeology 40 70-71.
2008 Attenbrow, V. Ethnographic and archaeological collections by F.D. McCarthy held in the Australian Museum. Makers and Making of Indigenous Australian Museum Collections 472-507.
2003 Attenbrow, V.J. ANPS research friend: Val Attenbrow. Placenames Australia. Newsletter of the Australian National Placenames Survey 2003 5.
2006 Attenbrow, V. Echidnas in Aboriginal life. Explore 1 6.
2009 Hutchinson, I; V. Attenbrow. Late Holocene mega-tsunamis in the Tasman Sea: an assessment of the coastal archaeological record of New South Wales. The Holocene 19 4 599-609.
2005 Janine E. Deakin; Robert Mason; Jennifer A. Marshall Graves. The Marsupial Dystrophin Gene. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) Conference 33.
2008 Mason, R. A. B; Gray, K-A; Johnson, R. N; Price, C; Boles, W. E. Conservation genetics of the Bush Stone-curlew (Burhinus grallarius). Genetics Society of AustralAsia 55th Annual Meeting 25.
2010 Nishi, E; Bailey-Brock, J. H; Souza Dos Santos, A; Tachikawa, H; Kupriyanova, E. K. Sabellaria isumiensis n. sp. (Annelida: Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) from shallow waters off Onjuku, Boso Peninsula, Japan, and re-description of three Indo-West Pacific sabellariid species. Zootaxa 2680 1-25.
2011 Kupriyanova, E. K; Bailey-Brock, J. H; Nishi, E. New records of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) collected by R/V Vityaz from bathyal and abyssal depths of the Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa 2871 43–60.
2010 Capa, M; Bybee, D; Bybee, S. Integrative taxonomy reveals cryptic species within Sabellastarte Krøyer, 1856 (Sabellidae: Annelida) and establishes the systematics of the genus. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 10 (5) 351-371.
2010 Capa, M; Hutchings, P; Aguado, M. T; Bott, N. Phylogeny of Sabellidae (Annelida) and relationships with related taxa inferred from morphology and multiple genes. Cladistics 26 (7) 1-15.
2011 Hilário, A; Capa, M; Dahlgren, T. G; Halanych, K. M; Little, C. T. S; Thornhill, D. J; Verna, C; Glover, A. G. New perspectives on the ecology and evolution of siboglinid tubeworms. PLoS One 6(2) e16309.
2011 Dockett, S; Main, S; Kelly, L. Consulting Young Children: Experiences from a Museum Visitor Studies. Visitor Studies 14 1 13-33.