Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
1997 Hilliard, R.W., Hutchings P.A. and Raaymakers, S.. Ballast Water Risk Assessment for 12 Queensland Ports. Stage 4–Report. Review of Candidate Risk Biota. N/A.
1999 Hayashi, M; Moulds M.S.. Observations on the eclosion of the hairy cicada, Tettigarcta crinita Distant (Homoptera: Cicadoidea: Tettigarctidae). Australian Entomologist 25 4 97-101.
2007 Hajkowicz, S; Higgins, A; Williams, K; Faith, D. P; Burton, M. Optimisation and the selection of conservation contracts. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 51 39-56.
2007 Grattan, J; Torrence R.. Beyond gloom and doom: the long-term consequences of volcanic disasters. Living Under The Shadow: The Cultural Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions 1-18.
2007 Graham, I; Nechaev, V.P; Chaschin A; Kikhney E; Vysotskiy, S; Sutherland F.L.. New insights into the Late Cenozoic gem sapphire-zircon occurrences of southern Primore, Russia. 12th Quadr. IAGOD Symp., Moscow, Russia 67.
1998 Gordon P.. Museums, Indigenous Peoples and the 21st Century; Or Is There a Place For Museums in This Brave New World?. Community Museums in Asia: Report on a Training Workshop 34-41.
1986 Golubev, V.A; Kononenko N.A.. Preceramic complexes of Sakhalin Island in light of traceological researches. The Methods of the Natural Sciences in the Study of Ancient Manufacture in the Russian Far East 23-32.
2004 Glasby C.J; Hutchings P.A; Hall, K.. Phylogeny of the polychaete order Terebellomorpha (Polychaeta: Terebellidae) based on morphology. Journal of Marine Biological Association UK 84 5 961-971.
1987 Glasby C.J; Hutchings P.A.. A new species of Thelepus from Punta Arenas, Chile, together with a redescription of Streblosoma comatus and Thelepus pequenianus Augener (F. Terebellidae). Journal of Natural History 21 977–986.
1988 Gladushev, S.A; Kononenko N.A.. Stone tools of the Suvorovo 3 site. Stone Age and Paleometal Epoch in the Asian part of the USSR 36-45.
1996 Garkovik A.V; Kononenko N.A.. The cache of stone tools at the Evstafy Bay. Stone Age at the Pacific Coasts 136-148.
2001 Frouin, P; Hutchings P.A.. Macrobenthic communities in a tropical lagoon (Tahiti, French Polynesia, Central Pacific) Coral Reefs. 19 3 277–285 N/A.
1986 Frith C.A; Leis J.M; Goldman B.. Currents in the Lizard Island region of the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and their relevance to potential movements of larvae. Coral Reefs 5 81-92.
2006 Fraser C; Hutchings P.A; Williamson, J.. Long-term changes in polychaete assemblages of Botany Bay (NSW, Australia) following a dredging event. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52 997-1010.
2007 Forest, F; Richard, G; Mathieu, R; Davies, T. J; Cowling, R. M; Faith, D. P; Balmford, A; Manning, J. C; Proches, S; van der Bank, M; Reeves, G; Hedderson, T. A. J; Savolainen, V. Preserving the evolutionary potential of floras in biodiversity hotspots. Nature 445 757-760.
2005 Ford E; Hutchings P.A.. An analysis of morphological characters of Owenia useful to distinguish species: description of three new species of Owenia (Oweniidae: Polychaeta) from Australian waters. Marine Ecology 26 181-196.
2005 Fisher, R; Leis J.M; Clark D.L; Wilson, S.K.. Critical swimming speeds of late-stage coral reef fish larvae: variation within species, among species and between locations. Marine Biology 147 5 1201-1212.
2004 Ferrier, S; G.V.N. Powell; K.S. Richardson; G. Manion; J. Overton; T.F. Allnutt; K. Mantle; N.D. Burgess; Faith D.P; G. Kier; R.J. Hijmans; V.A. Funk; Cassis G; B.L. Fisher; P. Flemons; D. Lees; J.C. Lovett; R.S.A.R. Van Rompaey; J.C. Solomon. Mapping more of terrestrial biodiversity for global conservation assessment: a new approach to integrating disparate sources of biological and environmental data. Bioscience 54 12 1101-1109.
2005 Leis J.M; Clark D.L.. Feeding greatly enhances endurance swimming of settlement-stage reef-fish larvae (Pomacentridae).. Ichthyological Research 52 2 185-188.
2004 Leis J.M. and Carson-Ewart B.M.. The larvae of Indo-Pacific coastal fishes: a guide to identification (Fauna Malesiana Handbook 2, 2nd edition). 850.
2003 Leis J.M; Carson-Ewart B.M.. Orientation of pelagic larvae of coral-reef fishes in the ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 252 239-253.
2001 Leis J.M; Carson-Ewart B.M.. Behavioural differences in pelagic larvae of four species of coral-reef fishes between two environments: ocean and atoll lagoon. Coral Reefs 19 247-257.
2000 Leis J.M. and Carson-Ewart B.M.. The larvae of Indo-Pacific coastal fishes: a guide to identification (Fauna Malesiana Handbook 2). 850.
1986 Leis J.M; S. Bullock. The luminous cardinalfish Siphamia (Pisces, Apogonidae): development of larvae and the luminous organ. Indo Pacific Fish Biology: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Indo Pacific Fishes 703-714.
1984 Leis J.M; M.L. Bauchot. Catalogue critique des types de poissons du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Famille des Diodontidae). Bulletin Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4th series 1 3, supplement 83-101.
2007 Leis, J. M. Larval development in the lutjanid subfamily Lutjaninae (Pisces): the genus Macolor. Records of the Australian Museum 59 1 1-8.
2004 Leis J.M.. Review of: Beneath Southern Seas: Sharks, rays, seahorses and other fishes of Australia’s unique coast. Nature Australia 27 12 78.
2004 Leis J.M.. Vertical distribution behaviour and its spatial variation in late-stage larvae of coral-reef fishes during the day.. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 37(2) 65-88.
2003 Leis J.M.. Family Diodontidae. The living marine resources of the western Central Atlantic vol 3 2007-2013.
2002 Leis J.M.. Pacific coral-reef fishes: the implications of behaviour and ecology of larvae for biodiversity and conservation, and a reassessment of the open population paradigm. Environmental Biology of Fishes 65 2 199-208.
2001 Leis J.M.. Family Diodontidae. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific, vol 6 3958-3965.
2000 Leis J.M.. Family Lactariidae. The living marine resources of the Western Central Pacific, vol 4 2649.
1998 Leis J.M.. Book Review: “Reef Fisheries” by NVC Polunin and CM Roberts. Ichthyological Research 44 4 429-430.
1993 Leis J.M.. Minimum requirements for published descriptions of larval fish development. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 40 3 393-395.
1993 Leis J.M.. Larval fish assemblages near Indo-Pacific coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 53 2 362-392.
1991 Leis J.M.. Vertical distribution of fish larvae in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, Australia. Marine Biology 109 157-166.
1989 Leis J.M.. Some little known Chinese ichthyoplankton publications. Australian Ichthyoplankton Newsletter 4 3-4.
1987 Leis J.M.. Larval fishes. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Reef Notes .
1987 Leis J.M.. Review of the early life history of tropical groupers (Serranidae) and snappers (Lutjanidae). Tropical Snappers and Groupers: Biology and Fisheries Management 189-237.
1997 Meyer, H.O.A; Milledge, H.J; Sutherland F.L; Kennewell, P.. Unusual diamonds and unique inclusions from New South Wales, Australia. Russian Geology and Geophysics 38 305-331.
1995 Meyer, H.O.A; Milledge, H.J; Sutherland F.L.. Unusual diamonds and unique inclusions from New South Wales, Australia. Sixth International Kimberlite Conference .
2003 Meißner, K; Hutchings P.A.. Spiophanes species (Polychaeta: Spionidae) from Eastern Australia with a description of new species, new records and an emended generic diagnosis. Records of the Australian Museum 55 2 117–140.
2002 Medvedev, V.E; Kononenko N.A.. Early Neolithic site Pereval in Primorye. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology of the Far East and Central Asia 83-89.
1996 Machida, H; Blong, R; Specht J; Torrence R; Moriwaki, H; Hayakawa, Y; Talai B; Lolok D; Pain C.. Holocene explosive eruptions of Witori and Dakataua caldera volcanoes in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Quaternary International 34-36 65-78.
2005 Lindeman, K.C; Richards, W.J; Lyczkowski-Shultz, J; Drass D.M; Paris C.B; Leis J.M; Lara, M; Comyns B.H.. Lutjanidae: Snappers. Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes. An identification guide for the Western Central Atlantic 1549-1586.
2007 Leis, J. M; Wright, K. J; Johnson, R. N. Behaviour that influences dispersal and connectivity in the small, young larvae a reef fish. Marine Biology 153 1 103-117.
1999 Leis J.M; T. Trnski. Larval development of the Indo-Pacific perciform fish, Centrogenys vaigiensis (Pisces: Centrogeniidae). Ichthyological Research 46 4 413-418.
1989 Leis J.M; Trnski, T.. The larvae of Indo-Pacific shorefishes. N/A.
1999 Leis J.M; Stobutzki, I.C.. Swimming performance of late pelagic larvae of coral-reef fishes: in situ and laboratory-based measurements. Proceedings of the 5th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Nouméa, 1997 575-583.
1983 Leis J.M; Rennis D.S.. The larvae of Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes. N/A.