Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
1997 Leis J.M; C.D. van der Lingen. Larval development and relationships of the galjoen fishes of southern Africa (Perciformes: Dichistiidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 60 1 100-116.
1994 Leis J.M; Lee, K.. Larval development in the lutjanid subfamily Etelinae (Pisces):the genera Aphareus, Aprion, Etelis and Pristipomoides. Bulletin of Marine Science 55 1 46-125.
2006 Leis J.M; Hay A.C; Clark,D,A; Chen, I-S; Shao, K.-T.. Behavioral ontogeny in larvae and early juveniles of the giant trevally, Caranx ignobilis (Pisces: Carangidae). US Fishery Bulletin 104 3 401-414.
1987 Leis J.M; B. Goldman; S. Ueyanagi. Distribution and abundance of billfish larvae (Istiophoridae) in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and Coral Sea near Lizard Island, Australia. U.S. Fishery Bulletin 85 4 757-765.
1983 Leis J.M; B. Goldman. Studies on the biology of larval fishes in the Lizard Island area, Northern Great Barrier Reef. Proceedings of the Inagural Great Barrier Reef Conference 221-225.
2004 Kitching, R.L; Bickel D.J; Creagh A.C; Hurley, K; Symonds C.. The biodiversity of Diptera in Old World rain forest surveys: a comparative faunistic analysis. Journal of Biogeography 31 7 1185-1200.
2002 Kingsford, M.J; Leis J.M; Shanks A; Lindeman, K; Morgan, S; Pineda, J.. Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment. Bulletin of Marine Science 70 Supplement 1 309-340.
1994 Kiene, W.E; Hutchings P.A.. Long–term bioerosion of experimental coral substrates from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Proceedings of the 7th International Coral Reef Congress 1 397–403.
2006 Khin, Zaw; Sutherland F.L; Dellapasqua F; Ryan C.G; Tzen-Fui, Yui; Menargh, T.P; Duncan D.. Contrast in gem corundum characteristics, eastern Australian basalt fields: Trace elements, fluid/melt inclusions and oxygen isotopes. Mineralogical Magazine 70 6 669-687.
2008 Khan K.. Walter Edmund Roth. His Life and Times in North Queensland: The First Protector, the Australian Museum and Scandal. The Roth Family, Anthropology and Colonial Administration .
2004 Khan K.. The First Protector of Aboriginals, The Australian Museum and Scandal. The Roth Family, Anthropology and Colonial Administration .
1993 Khan K.. Catalogue of the Roth Collection of Aboriginal Artefacts from North Queensland, Vol. 1. N/A.
1993 Khan K.. Frederick David McCarthy: A Bibliography. Records of the Australian Museum Supplement 17 7-15.
1985 Khan K.. North Queensland Aboriginal Baskets. Craft Australia Summer 1985 4 18-22.
1984 Khan K.. A Celebration of National Aborigines Week at the Australian Museum, Sydney, 1983.. Pacific Arts Newsletter 18 12-15.
1972 Kershaw, R.C; Sutherland F.L.. Quaternary Geomorphology of Flinders Island. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 43 1-28.
1996 Kajiwara, H; Y. Yokoyama; Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik; I.Y. Shevkamud; K. Nakazawa; M. Aizawa; A.V. Kononenko. Report of 5th Season of joint Russian-Japanese investigations at the Ustinovka sites. 10th Meeting of the Paleolithic Society of Tohoku Prefecture 13 135-147.
1987 Hutchings P.A; Wu B.L.. Marine Biology in Australia. Chinese Marine Sciences 2 54–57.
1987 Hutchings P.A; Wu B.L.. Coral Reefs of Hainan Island, South China Seas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 18 1 75–76.
1978 Hutchings P.A; Weate, P.B.. Comments on the Technique of acid dissolution of coral rock to extract endo–cryptolithic fauna. Australian Zoologist 19 315–320.
1986 Hutchings P.A; van der Velde, J.T; Keable, S.J.. Colonisation of NSW by foreign marine species. Australian Fisheries April 40–42.
1987 Hutchings P.A; Saenger, P.. Australian Wetlands. N/A.
1991 Hutchings P.A; Reid A; Wilson, R.. Perinereis (Polychaeta, Nereididae) from Australia, with redescriptions of six additional species. Records of the Australian Museum 43 3 241–274.
1991 Hutchings P.A; Reid A.. The Nereididae (Polychaeta) from Australia. Part 2. Leonnates , Platynereis , Solomononereis. Records of the Australian Museum 43 47–62.
1983 Hutchings P.A; Recher, H.F.. The Faunal Communities of Australian Mangroves. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Mangroves W. Junk B.V. 8 N/A.
1982 Hutchings P.A; Recher, H.F.. The fauna of Australian Mangroves. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W. 106 83–121.
1979 Hutchings P.A; Rainer, S.F.. A key to the estuarine polychaetes of N.S.W.. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of N.S.W. 104 35–48.
1979 Hutchings P.A; Rainer, S.F.. The polychaete fauna of Careel Bay, Pittwater, Australia. Journal of Natural History (London) 13 745–796.
2002 Hutchings P.A; Peyrot–Clausade, M.. The distribution and abundance of boring species of polychaetes and sipunculans in coral substrates in French Polynesia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 269 101–121.
1989 Hutchings P.A; Peyrot–Clausade, M.. Macro–boring communities of Porites – a biological comparison. Proceedings of the 6th International Coral Reef Congress, Townsville 1988 3 263–268.
1994 Hutchings P.A; Payri C; Gabrié C.. The current status of coral reef management in French Polynesia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 29 26–33.
1978 Hutchings P.A; Nicol, P.I; O'Gower A.K.. The marine macrobenthic communities of Wallis and Smiths Lakes, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 3 79–91.
1982 Hutchings P.A; Murray A.. The establishment of polychaete populations to coral substrates at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef – an experimental approach. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 33 1029–37.
1994 Hutchings P.A; Jacoby C.. Temporal and spatial patterns in the distribution of infaunal polychaetes in Jervis Bay, New South Wales. Memoires du Museum D'Histoire Naturelle 162 441–452.
2002 Hutchings P.A; Hilliard, R.W.L; Coles, S.. Species Introductions and Potential for Marine Pest Invasions into Tropical Marine Communities, with Special Reference to the Indo–Pacific. Pacific Science 56 2 223–233.
1995 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. Redescription of Loimia medusa and Amphitrite rubra (Polychaeta: Terebellidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 92 149–154.
1986 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. The Polycirrinae (F. Terebellidae) of Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 38 319–350.
1985 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. Additional nereids (Polychaeta) from Eastern Australia, together with a redescription of Namanereis quadraticeps Gay. Records of the Australian Museum 37 1/2 101–110.
1982 Hutchings P.A; Glasby C.J.. Two new species of Ceratonereis (F. Nereididae) from estuarine areas of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 95 515–521.
2001 Kononenko N.A.. Ecology of cultural dynamics of archaeological sites in the Zerkalnaya River valley at the Terminal Pleistocene - Early Holocene (the Ustinovka Complex, Russian Far East). Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 1 5 40-59.
2000 Kononenko N.A.. Functional characteristic of stone tools of the cultures of Early Iron Age in the Amur River Basin. Antiquity of Bureya 19-35.
1999 Kononenko N.A.. Lithic Technology during the transition from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene in Eastern Asia. Doekoko 5 23 137-156.
1998 Kononenko N.A.. Marine resources among prehistoric cultures of the Primorye Region of the Russian Far East. Annual Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 11 12-18.
1998 Kononenko N.A.. Stone and bone implements at the Boisman 1 site. Environment and Man at Boisman Bay 197-238.
1997 Kononenko N.A.. The transformation of lithic technology in riverine adaptation from the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene in the Russian Far East. Annual Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 10 74-87.
1997 Kononenko N.A.. Some problems of cultural contact in the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene of Eastern Asia. The 2nd International Symposium: Suyanggae and Her Neighbors 59-73.
1996 Kononenko N.A.. Introduction. Late Paleolithic - Early Neolithic of Eastern Asia and Northern America 4-6.
1995 Kononenko N.A.. New sites of the Late Pleistocene in Primorye. Archaeological discoveries in 1994 276-277.
1993 Kononenko N.A.. Ancient Cultures of the Primorye in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Origin and Adaptations. .
1990 Kononenko N.A.. Experimental investigations of archaeologists in Primorye. Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch, Academy of Sciences of the USSR 2 133-137.