Your search returned 7 results
Navigating the Pacific: Wansolmoana will explore Pasifika peoples' navigational techniques and skills through an engaging gamified experience.
Ramses: New Kingdom Egypt society during the Ramesside period unit this unit to engage with the temporary Ancient Egypt exhibition, Ramses the Great & the Gold of the Pharaohs.
History learning resources activities and lesson ideas for your next history unit, based on our collections and exhibitions.
How we are Unsettled: Unit of work our smartboard-ready unit of work to engage in the themes, stories and artworks of Unsettled, with embedded activities, videos and worksheets.
Ramses learning journey: New Kingdom Egypt - Amenhotep III to the Death of Ramesses II this learning journey to engage with the new temporary Ancient Egypt exhibition, Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs.
Ramses: An ancient adventure unit this unit to engage with the temporary Ancient Egypt exhibition, Ramses the Great & the Gold of the Pharaohs.
Ramses learning journey: The Representation of the Ancient Past and the Role of Museums this learning journey to engage with the new temporary Ancient Egypt exhibition, Ramses & the Gold of the Pharaohs.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
Now open
Tickets on sale -
Future Now
Touring exhibition
On now -
Permanent education space
10am - 4.30pm -
Permanent exhibition
Open daily