Blog archive: Science
Message in a bottle
Scientists worldwide can access the Museum’s collections through specimen loans.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Aboriginal shellworkers of La Perouse
La Perouse Aboriginal shell artists Esme Timbey and Marylin Russel keep alive a contemporary craft.
Seastars of a feather flock together
Feather stars are beautiful marine animals that may be under threat. A recent AMRI Fellowship study sheds new light on this enigmatic group.
Learning Process: The Bow in Question
The double life of wooden bow habou-numa from Lake Kopiago.
Learning Process: Stone tools in the Highlands
Researching stone technology in the villages of Papua New Guinea.
Remembering Great Grandfather and Trustee
The legacy of Reuter Emerich Roth at the Australian Museum.
‘Red Listing’ to help save Southeast Asia’s Amphibians
A first step in biodiversity conservation is determining which species are most threatened with extinction.
Frogs in the trees
In making the transition from the swamp to the tree-tops, different groups of frogs have evolved in remarkably similar ways.
Our Global Neighbours: Australia and Turkey at War
The profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
Mimic fish benefit from imperfect impersonations
Animal mimicry can become ineffective if it is used too often, and these canny fish know it.
Our Global Neighbours: Who owned the Shirase Sword?
Sydney University historian investigates.