Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
1994 Sutherland F.L.. Victim of Vesuvius. Muse Aug.-Sept. 10.
1986 Sutherland F.L; Wellman, P.. Potassium-argon ages of Tertiary volcanic rocks, Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 120 77-86.
2007 Sutherland, F. L; Webb, G. Australian sapphires and rubies. Rocks and Minerals 82 2 116-125.
1980 Sutherland F.L; Stephenson, P.J; Griffin, T.J.. Cainozoic volcanism in North-Eastern Australia. Geology and Geophysics of North-Eastern Australia 349-374.
2003 Sutherland F.L; Schwarz D; Webb G.. Basaltic gemfields, eastern Austalia: Sapphire-ruby characteristics and connctions. Geolgical Society of Australia Abstracts 71 32-41.
1994 Sutherland F.L; Raynor, L.R; Pogson, R.E.. Spinel to garnet lherzolite transition in relation to high temperature palaeogeotherms, eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Science 41 205-220.
2000 Sutherland F.L; Pogson, R.E; Webb G; Coenraads, R.R.. Deep gemstone research, Australian Museum. Abstracts, 4th International Conference, Mineralogy and Museums .
1996 Sutherland F.L; Pogson, R.E; Webb G.. Extended evolution of Barrington volcano, NSW: A long term, repeated supply of alluvial gemstones. Geological Society of Australia Abstract Series 41 428.
1998 Sutherland F.L; Pogson, R.E; Barron B.J.. Discussion and Reply. Palaeogeothermal gradients in Australia: key to 4-D lithospheric mapping. Australian Journal of Earth Science 45 817-821.
1968 Sutherland F.L; Olsen A.M.. Persistence of Drift Pumice in Southern Australasian Waters. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 102 1-5.
1991 Sutherland F.L; Kinny, P.D; Hollis, J.D.. Use of zircons to resolve origins of sapphires in east Australian gem fields – the mysterious case of the shuffling sapphire volcanoes. Australian Geological Society Abstract Series 30 227-228.
1984 Sutherland F.L; Hollis, J.D; Barron, L.M.. Garnet Lherzolite and other inclusions from a basalt flow, Bow Hill, Tasmania. Kimberlites II: The Mantle and Crust-Mantle Relationships N/A.
1996 Sutherland F.L; Hendry D.F; Barron B.J; Matthews, W.L; Hollis, J.D.. An unusual Tertiary basalt sequence, near Boat Harbour, Northwest Tasmania. Records of the Australian Museum 48 131-161.
1986 Reid C.A.M; P. Espin; N. Varty. Studies of Red Data Book species. An ornithological survey of Lago de Tota, Colombia, 1982 28-46.
1999 Reid C.A.M.. Eucalyptus seedling herbivory by Cadmus aurantiacus Chapuis (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Cryptocephalinae). Australian Journal of Entomology 38 201-203.
1995 Reid C.A.M.. A cladistic analysis of subfamilial relationships in the Chrysomelidae sensu lato (Chrysomeloidea). Biology, phylogeny and classification of Coleoptera: papers celebrating the 80th birthday of Roy A. Crowson 559-631.
1994 Reid C.A.M.. Book Review: Proceedings of the third international symposium on the Chrysomelidae. David Furth (ed.). 1994, Backhuys Publishers: Leiden. 150pp. cUS$54. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 34 224.
1994 Reid C.A.M.. Revision of the genus Platycolaspis Jacoby (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae). Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 54 207-220.
1993 Reid C.A.M.. Donacia australasiae Blackburn: the sole representative of the subfamily Donaciinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Australia and New Guinea. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 32 2 103-111.
1992 Reid C.A.M.. Descriptions of pupae of nine genera of Australian paropsine Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 113 4 311-337.
1986 Reid C.A.M.. Some rare and local Coleoptera from lowland wetland in North Northumberland. The Northern Naturalist 111 121-3.
1985 Reid C.A.M.. A bibliography of Buckinghamshire Coleoptera. Records of Buckinghamshire 26 1983 24-34.
1985 Reid C.A.M.. External characters for the separation of Stenus impressus Germar and S. aceris Stephens (Col., Staphylinidae). Entomologist's monthly Magazine 121 71-2.
1978 Kononenko N.A.. On the functional prescription of the grinding knives from the Malaya Podushechka site in Primorye. Archaeological Materials of the Ancient History of the Far East of the USSR 14-21.
1986 Kononenko N.A; Garkovik A. V.. Complex investigations of the Valentin-peresheek site. Quaternary Geology and Prehistoric Archaeology of Southern Siberia 50-53.
2007 Knight, A. T; Smith, R. J; Cowling, R. M; Desmet, P. G; Faith, D. P; Ferrier, S; Gelderblom, C. M; Grantham, H; Lombard, A. T; Parrish, J. D; Maze, K; Nel, J; Pence, G. Q. K; Reyers, B; Rouget, M; Roux, D; Wilson, K. A. What is the Role of the Key Biodiversity Areas Program in Effective Conservation Planning?. Bioscience 57 256-261.
1991 King, R.J; Hutchings P.A; Larkum A.W.D; West, R.J.. Intertidal and littoral Ecosystems in South Eastern Australia. Ecosystems of the World 429-459.
1994 Kiene, W.E; Hutchings P.A.. Experimental investigations on patterns in the rates of bioerosion at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 13 2 91–98.
2004 Khan K.. Jim Specht: A Biography. A Pacific Odyssey: Archaeology and Anthropology in the western Pacific. Papers in Honour of Jim Specht 9-14.
2003 Khan K.. Catalogue of the Roth Collection of Aboriginal Artefacts from north Queensland, Vol. 3. .
1996 Khan K.. Catalogue of the Roth Collection of Aboriginal Artefacts from North Queensland, Vol. 2. .
1995 Khan K.. Aboriginal childrens' toys and games. International Museums Day, 1995 .
1994 Khan K.. Aboriginal Antique Jewellery. N/A .
1999 Kealhofer, L; Torrence R; Fullagar, R.. Integrating phytoliths within use-wear/residue studies of stone tools. Journal of Archaeological Science 26 527-546.
1999 Kajiwara, H; Y. Yokoyama; Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik. The results of the excavations at the Ustinovka complex sites in the Russian Far East in 1998. 12th Meeting of the Paleolithic Society of Tohoku Prefecture 15 104-107.
1995 Kajiwara, H; Y. Yokoyama; Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik. The sites Ustinovka 3 and Ustinovka 6 in the Russian Far East. 9th Meeting of the Paleolithic Society of Tohoku Prefecture 12 50-57.
1995 Kajiwara, H; Y. Yokoyama; Kononenko N.A; A.V. Garkovik. The results of excavations at the site Ustinovka 3 in Primorye, Russia. 61st Meeting of the Japan Archaeological Society 82-86.
1969 Jennings D.I; Sutherland F.L.. Geology of the Cape Portland Area, with special reference to the Mesozoic Appinitic Rocks. Technical Report of the Deptartment of Mines Tasmania 13 45-82.
1981 Hutchings P.A; Wilkinson D.. Guidelines and Principles for Estuarine Management. N/A.
1991 Hutchings P.A; Wells F.E; Walker D.E; Kendrick G.A.. Seagrass, sediment and infauna – a comparison of Posidonia australis , Posidonia sinuosa and Amphibolis antarctica in Princess Royal Harbour, South–Western Australia. II. Distribution composition and abundance of macrofauna. The Flora and Fauna of the Albany Area, Western Australia 611-634.
1993 Hutchings P.A; Wells F.E.. An analysis of the marine invertebrate community at Hoi Ha Wan, Hong Kong. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on the Marine Flora and Fauna of Hong Kong and Southern China 851–864.
1987 Leis J.M.. Minimum requirements for published descriptions of larval fish development. Australian Ichthyoplankton Newsletter 2 4-5.
1986 Leis J.M.. Epibenthic schooling by the larvae of the spratellodine clupeid Spratelloides gracilis. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 33 1 60-62.
1985 Leis J.M.. Book Review: "The bibliography on the identification of the eggs, larvae and juveniles of the marine shorefishes of Japan". Newsletter of the Early Life History Section of the American Fisheries Society 6 3 11-13.
1982 Leis J.M.. Hawaiian creediid fishes ( Crystallodytes cookei and Limnichthys donaldsoni ): development of eggs and larvae and use of pelagic eggs to trace coastal water movement. Bulletin of Marine Science 32 1 166-180.
1982 Leis J.M.. Distribution of fish larvae around Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef: coral reef lagoon as refuge?. Proceedings of the 4th International Coral Reef Symposium (Manila) 2 471-477.
1986 Koul, S.L; Chadderton, L.J; Sutherland F.L.. On the annealing behaviour of fission tracks in zeolites. Nuclear Tracks radiation measurements. International Journal of Applied Instrument D11 1/2 85-92.
1996 Kononenko N.A; V.V. Mamunin. New microblade complexes in Primorye. Late Paleolithic – Early Neolithic of Eastern Asia and Northern America 137-145.
2003 Kononenko N.A; H. Kajiwara. Chronology and Ecology of archaeological sites of Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene in the Zerkalnaya River Valley. Foraging Population of the Sea of Japan during the Late Pleistocene – Early Holocene 140-153.
1995 Kononenko N.A; H. Kajiwara. Archaeological discoveries in Primorye. Human Problems of the Asian-Pasific Region Countries 1 106-108.