Publications Archive Results
Year Reference
1989 van der Leeuw, S. E. and Torrence R.. What's New? A Closer Look at the Process of Innovation. .
1996 Torrence R; Specht J; Fullagar, R; Summerhayes G.. Which obsidian is worth it?. Oceanic Culture History: Essays in Honour of Roger Green 211-224.
2015 Kononenko, N; Torrence, R; White, J. P. Unexpected uses for obsidian: experimental replication and use-wear/residue analyses of chopping tools.. Journal of Archaeological Science 54 254-269.
2015 Torrence, R; Martinon-Torres, M; Rehren, T. Scoping the Future of Archaeological Science. Journal of Archaeological Science 56 1-248.
1983 Torrence R., Cherry, J. and Binford, L.R.. In Pursuit of the Past. .
2011 Byrne, S; Clarke, A; Harrison, R; Torrence, R. Unpacking the Collection: Networks of Material and Social Agency in the Museum. 325 p. 83 illus., 47 in color.
2011 McKee, C. O; Neall, V. E; Torrence, R. A remarkable pulse of largescale volcanism on New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea. Bulletin of Volcanology <em>73</em> 27-37.
1999 Torrence R; Bird, R; Bailey G; Johnson, P.. Description of the procedures for PIXE-PIGME analysis at ANSTO. International Association for Obsidian Studies Bulletin 23 22.
2006 Gott B; Barton, H; Samuel D; Torrence R.. Biology of starch. Ancient Starch Research 35-45.
2009 Doelman, T; Torrence, R; Kluyev, N; Sleptsov, I; Popov, V. Innovations in microblade core production at the Tigrovy-8 late Palaeolithic quarry in eastern Russia. Journal of Field Archaeology <em>34</em> 367-384.
2002 White, J.P; Coroneos C; Neall, V; Boyd, W; Torrence R. FEA site, Boduna Island: Further investigations. Fifty Years in the Field 101-7.
2004 Torrence R; Bonetti, R; Guglielmetti A; Manzoni A; Oddone, M.. Importance of source availability and accessibility: a case study from Papua New Guinea. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 4 53-65.
2014 Doelman, T; Jia, P; Torrence, R; Popov, V. Remains of a puzzle: the distribution of volcanic glass artefacts from sources in Northeast China and Far East Russia.. Lithic Technology 39 81-95.
1992 Torrence R; Specht J; Fullagar, R; Bird, R.. From Pleistocene to present: obsidian sources in West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. Records of the Australian Museum 42 83-98.
2000 Torrence R; Pavlides C; Jackson, P; Webb J.. Volcanic disasters and cultural discontinuities in the Holocene of West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes 225-244.
1983 Davis, J; Schofield E; Torrence R; Williams D.. Keos and the Eastern Aegean: the Cretan Connection. Hesperia 52 361-366.
1997 Bird, J. R; Torrence R; Summerhayes G; Bailey G.. New Britain obsidian sources. Archaeology in Oceania 32 54-60.
2012 Jia, P. W; Doelman, R; Torrence, R; Glascock, M. New pieces: the acquisition and distribution of volcanic glass sources in northeast China during the Holocene. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2) 971-982.
1998 Summerhayes G; Bird, J. R; Fullagar, R; Gosden C; Specht J; Torrence R.. Application of PIXE-PIGME to archaeological analysis of changing patterns of obsidian use in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Archaeological Obsidian Studies 129-158.
2009 Torrence, R; Swadling, P; Ambrose, W; Kononenko, N; Rath, P; Glascock, M. Obsidian stemmed tools and Mid-Holocene interaction. Asian Perspectives <em>48</em> 118-147.
1999 Torrence R; Specht J; Davies, H; Ainge, P; White, J. P.. A Pleistocene landscape in West New Britain. Australian Archaeology 49 44-45.
2010 Popov, V; Kluyuev, N; Sleptsov, I; Doelman, T; Torrence, R; Kononenko, N; White, P. Gialoklatic Shkotovo plateau (Primorye): an important source of archaeological obsidian in the south of the Russian Far East. Lifting the Veil of Millennia: for the 80th Birthday of Janna Vasilyevna Andreeva 295-314.
2001 Anderson A; Bedford S; Clark G; Lilley I; Sand C; Summerhayes G; Torrence R.. An inventory of Lapita sites containing dentate-stamped pottery.. The Archaeology of Lapita Dispersal in Oceania 1-14.
1993 Summerhayes G; Gosden C; Fullagar, R; Specht J; Torrence R; Bird, J.R; Shagholi, N; Katsaros A.. West New Britain Obsidian: production and consumption patterns. Archaeometry: Current Australiasian Research 57-68.
2009 Carter, E. A; Hargreaves, M. D; Kononenko, N; Graham, I; Edwards, G. M; Swarbrick, B; Torrence, R. Raman spectroscopy applied to understanding prehistoric obsidian trade in the Pacific Region. Vibrational Spectroscopy <em>50</em> 116-124.
2010 Jia, P; Doelman, T; Chen, Q; Zhao, H; Lin, S; Torrence, R; Glascock, M. Moving Sources: a preliminary study of volcanic glass artefact distributions in Northeast China using PXRF. Journal of Archaeological Science <em>37</em> 1670-1677.
1996 Machida, H; Blong, R; Specht J; Torrence R; Moriwaki, H; Hayakawa, Y; Talai B; Lolok D; Pain C.. Holocene explosive eruptions of Witori and Dakataua caldera volcanoes in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Quaternary International 34-36 65-78.
2008 Doelman, T; Torrence, R; Popov, V; Ionescu, M; Kluyev, N; Sleptsov, I; Pantyukhina, I; White, P; Clements, M. Source selectivity: an assessment of volcanic glass sources in the Southern Primorye Region, Far East Russia. Geoarchaeology 23 2 1-31.
2004 Doelman, T; Kononenko N.A; V. Popov; G. Summerhayes; Torrence R; R. Bonetti; A. Guglielmetti; A. Manzoni; M. Oddone. Acquisition and movement of volcanic glass in the Primorye Region of Far Eastern Russia. Humane problems of the Asian-Pacific region countries 4 46 112–124.
1998 Bonetti, R; di Cesare, P; Guglielmetti A; Malerba F; Migliorini E; Oddone, M; Bird, J. R; Torrence R; Bultitude, R. J.. Fission track dating of obsidian source samples from the Willaumez Peninsula, Papua New Guinea and North Queensland and Eastern Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 50 277-284.
2004 Torrence R; Neall, V; Doelman, T; Rhodes E; McKee C; Davies, H; Bonetti, R; Guglielmetti A; Manzoni A; Oddone, M; Parr, J; Wallace, R.. Pleistocene colonisation of the Bismarck Archipelago: new evidence from West New Britain. Archaeology in Oceania 39 101-130.