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The breakdown of the world’s water content is water so precious? Because only a small percentage, 0.08% of the world's water can be used for domestic use.
Should we celebrate Australia Day? the 23rd January 2011, at 2.30pm, the Museum will host an Australia Day Debate. You can listen to our speakers, Sam Watson and Nigel Parbury, debate whether the 26th January is the most appropriate date to celebrate our national identity. You will also have the opportunity to ask them your own
A Sticky Situation a street post in Darlinghurst a young female Titan Stick Insect, measuring 21cm in total, was found and taken to the Australian Museum. The insect must have become separated from its gumtree, unable to fly it wandered to the nearest structure and climbed to the top.
Early coral spawning this year Acropora species at Lizard Island spawned on the night of 25 November this year, the third night after the full moon. On the following night, many goniasterid and favid corals spawned, and on the night after that it was the turn of Porites corals.
Fish Collection tour Fish Collection Manager Mark McGrouther on a quick tour through some of the Fish Collection at the Australian Museum.
Fish in hot water night we had a terrific talk in the beach house by Prof Phil Munday of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University: "Fish in hot water: how will climate change affect coral reef fishes?"
QR Codes at the Museum week at the Australian Museum we have decided to go down the QR Code lane and place some extra interaction on a few of the Museum's favourite specimens.
Quest for the perfect indoor pinhole camera do you create a pinhole camera that can be used inside a room with no windows or natural light and have the ability to demonstrate its own workings?
Candiru - careful where you go... the years quite a few people have asked me about the Candiru. Is it really true that this fish can end up inside the bladder of an unfortunate person who urinates in the wrong stream?
Crested Katydid collected from Queensland uncommon species of insect has been collected by staff at the Santos Ballera gas plant in Queensland and sent it to the Australian Museum for identification.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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Future Now
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