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Fish FAQ - Can fishes change sex? as it might sound, sex change is quite common in the fish world.
Fish scales fish scale is a fish scale, right? Think again. There are a number of types of fish scales and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
Fishes are very diverse and have a range of body sizes from the massive whale shark down to the smallest fish under a centimetre in length.
Amanda Hay Hay is Collection Manager, Ichthyology at the Australian Museum.
Three Fish New to Science Discovered in Volcanic Islands fish new to science are among those discovered by an Australian and New Zealand research team which returned today from a successful expedition to the volcanic Kermadec Islands, 1000 km northeast of New Zealand.
Interesting fish gallery this image gallery of interesting fish from a wonderful community of keen divers, aquarists and fish enthusiasts.
Fish dry, birds fly joint Ichthyology and Ornithology excursion to Coolah Tops helps fill in gaps in both collections.
Orgy of Eels's deep, dark and cold - what better place to spawn?
A coral-reef fish with large, fast, conspicuous larvae and small, cryptic adults most coral reef fishes, larvae are tiny and transparent, and adults large and boldly coloured – but in one species, the opposite is true.
What has long pointy teeth and a slingshot mouth? Goblin Shark, that's what; and the Australian Museum is delighted to have received a fine specimen in the last few days.
Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
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