Exploring the science behind super volcanoes
Who: Scarlett O. and Scarlett P., Oak Flats Public School
If a super volcano erupted, the impacts would be widespread and catastrophic. In their film Super Volcanoes, Scarlett and Scarlett demonstrate the science behind these high magnitude eruptions and explain how they could be used as a source of power, providing green energy for future generations.
Winners of the 2021 University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize – Primary

Scarlett and Scarlett were announced winners of the 2021 University of Sydney Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize – Primary, for their short film Super Volcanoes.
Image: Oak Flats Public School, NSW© Oak Flats Public School, NSW
This year’s theme was 'big’. How did you decide on your topic?
We had lots of ideas. We were thinking about making a movie about normal volcanoes, but then we thought, why make a film about volcanoes when you can do a movie about super volcanoes? We watched lots of videos about super volcanoes and they ticked all the boxes for the theme ‘big’.
What was the most difficult part about making your film?
We both agree that the hardest part of making the film was doing the candymation. It took us five hours just for that little bit of footage. It was also hard not to eat any lollies while we were filming!
What was the most interesting thing that you learnt?
We learnt how to make an animation and lots about super volcanoes of course — we didn’t even know they existed.
One of the important things judges look for when assessing entries is accurate science. Can you tell us a little bit about the steps you took to make sure the science in your film was accurate?
We looked at lots of trusted websites like NASA and National Geographic.
So many people commented on your time-lapse with all those lollies! What was involved in creating it?
Since the Claymation worked so well last year, we thought it would be a good idea to make another animation. But we wanted to use something different. So we thought, what looks like lava? Jelly! What goes with jelly? Lollies! And that’s how the candymation idea was born.
We love that lots of young people can share their passion for science.
This isn’t the first year you’ve entered the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize. What are some of the things you like about the competition?
Filming the video is always very fun and we like receiving feedback. We love that lots of young people can share their passion for science. We also enjoy meeting new people and learn so many new things from them. We hope our video will inspire others to make a science movie and enter the Sleek Geeks competition in the future.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped us make this movie. We couldn’t have done it without them.
Sponsored by the University of Sydney, the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize encourages students to communicate a scientific concept in a short film. It is intended to support budding young scientists across the nation, who will be our future leaders in research, discovery and communication.