Blog archive:
January 2024
Fighting the flames – how did frogs fare after the Black Summer bushfires?
FrogID citizen science data collected before and after the bushfires shows where frog populations persisted and where they might need our help.
Egypt - In Conversation: An Introduction to Egypt
In the first instalment of the Australian Museum’s exclusive Egypt - In Conversation series, curator and Egyptologist Dr Melanie Pitkin sits down with journalist and passionate Egyptophile Caroline Baum for An Introduction to Egypt.
At the Museum -
Saturday Lecture Series: Journey to the Afterlife
Come on a journey to the afterlife with archaeologist Dr Anna-Latifa Mourad-Cizek as we explore everything from beliefs and practices to tombs and funerary equipment.
At the Museum -
Saturday Lecture Series: The Afterlife of Ramses II's Tomb
In the premiere instalment of our Saturday Lecture Series, Macquarie University Professor Malcolm Choat uncovers the history of KV7 - The tomb of Ramses the Great.
At the Museum