Blog archive:
May 2023
The Talbot Oration: Coral Reefs in Hot Water
Dr Anne Hoggett AM explores the plight of our coral reefs and how we can help protect their future in the Australian Museum’s Talbot Oration.
At the Museum -
Choose your own adventure with FrogID
Fine-tuning citizen science to map frog species richness together.
What you need to know about Australian coral reefs
In their recently published essay collection, Dr Pat Hutchings (Australian Museum), Dr Sarah Hamylton (University of Wollongong) & Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg (University of Queensland) delve deep into Australian coral reef history, ecology, management, First Nations cultural significance & future.
50 years of research on Lizard Island
Founded in 1973, the Lizard Island Research Station has studied reef ecologies and the impacts of climate change for fifty years.
At the Museum -
Frogs need your help again this winter
In winter 2021, Australia’s frogs suffered a mass mortality event. As temperatures drop, we are worried it might happen again – we need you to help monitor our frogs.
The beautiful birds of Norfolk Island
Norfolk Island is home to many beautiful birds – however, Norfolk Island also has an unenviable extinction rate when it comes to its bird fauna. To understand more, our scientists studied the endemic and exotic birdlife of Norfolk Island during the recent Australian Museum-led expedition.
Related species of skeleton shrimp from Australia and Far East Asia
An unusual find of thousands of skeleton shrimp on commercial fishing nets in the Gippsland Lakes, south-eastern Australia has led to the revision of a species from Far East Asia, review of previous records, and recognition of a new species.
Collecting better biodiversity data through citizen science
Will people record calling frogs, everywhere, all at once?