Blog archive:
February 2020
Scary by name but not by nature
Coined the name ‘Vampire Squid from Hell’, new research reveals there is absolutely no blood-sucking involved.
Data for conservation: over 50,000 FrogID records now online!
The FrogID dataset: the first year of expert-validated occurrence data has now been published!
Congratulations to Dr Val Attenbrow for the highest award in Australian Archaeology!
The highest award offered by the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA) has been awarded to Australian Museum’s Dr Val Attenbrow. Congratulations to Dr Attenbrow!
Finding a frog’s voice in the name of conservation
Frog species are often best distinguished by their calls, so we’ve recorded and published the call of the Jingdong Horned Toad for the first time.
Over 40 years in the making: the two new subspecies of Rock-wallabies
Although commonly seen by tourists around Alice Springs, the Rock-wallabies of Central Australia have lacked an appropriate scientific name … until now.
Frog sex in the city: can frogs still be heard by their mates in urban environments?
Using citizen science data to see if frog calls can still be heard in urban areas.
Four conservation areas successfully mapped in Malaita, Solomon Islands and Bougainville
Three conservation areas in Malaita and one in Bougainville have been mapped by local community members, a move that is pivotal to protecting the biodiversity of the Solomon Islands.
Tips for taking your FrogID submissions to the next level
Want to make the most of you FrogID recordings? Here's some tips!
Pint-sized perfect: ‘Brenner’s Bobtail’
Not all cephalopods have the profile of the Giant ‘kraken’ but this newly discovered bobtail squid packs a punch. Read about how a new species of squid was discovered in the Okinawa and Yaeyama Islands of the Ryukyu archipelago.