Blog archive:
April 2019
Expedition to Malaita: The secret world of insects and snails in the remote forests of the Solomon Islands
Abundant varieties of moths, snails and insects lie awaiting discovery in the beautiful tropical forests of Malaita in the Solomon Islands. Read about the AM expedition to work with the local community to collect and describe the islands smaller fauna.
Podcast – Robyn Williams in conversation with Eureka Prize winners Alan Duffy and Nalini Joshi
The inimitable Alan Duffy and Nalini Joshi, recorded live in conversation with Robyn Williams.
Science -
Remembering our Anzacs
Australian Museum offers free entry to servicemen and women on Anzac Day
At the Museum -
Conservation in the heart of the Solomon Islands
A great deal has been achieved in the three years since the AM and Solomon Island Kwaio community embarked on a collaborative journey to classify and conserve the ecological richness of this extraordinary environment.
Collection specimens sparkle at the MCA
Installation at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney showcases pieces from our collection
Weird whales: the top 6 whale illustrations in the Australian Museum Research Library
Meet the weirdest whales in the Australian Museum Research Library