Blog archive:
October 2016
Digivol scans 40-year-old slides of spiders
Check out some of the beautiful images of the AM arachnology slide collection scanned by DigiVol volunteers.
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WeDigBio 2016
WeDigBio is a 4-day event that engages citizen scientists worldwide to help digitise specimens held in natural history collections.
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Anything but sluggish: The dawn of land snail phylogenomics
Powerful genome-based methods open new avenues in land snail systematics.
Kainake and the kamare – hot on the trail of Bougainville’s giant rats
Local knowledge, kastom and hard work leads to an unexpected find on Bougainville Island.
AMplify: Episode 20, nature photographer Luke Tsharke
Live at the AM, award-winning photographer Luke Tsharke discusses the joys and risks of the getting the perfect shot.
At the Museum -
Imogen walks in her forefather’s footsteps.
Walking through the rooms lived in by her ancestor William Sheridan Wall, delighted 12 year old Imogen Fennessy.
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DigiVol: From Glass plate negatives to Digital images
DigiVol has taken digital images of prints of some of the Australian Museum's large collection of glass plate negatives.
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How the Australian Museum and Tokyo Museum worked together to build their natural history collections.
In the 19th century natural history museums from around the world worked together to provide eye catching displays.
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A quest for endangered land snails on Lord Howe Island
As the date of the Lord Howe Island rodent eradication draws nearer, we have assessed the status of the islands endangered land snails.