Blog archive:
October 2015
All is revealed: the Kermadec Biodiscovery Expedition
The long-awaited volume reporting on discoveries made on the 2011 Kermadec Expedition is now hot off the press.
The Yeti Crab has a past - a new fossil family of Squat Lobsters
Old fossils reveal new surprises when we know what to look for
Same same but different – a taxonomic detective story
DNA sequences expose cryptic species of land snail on a remote Kimberley island
Surviving Australia: Lessons from land snails
Rapid morphological adaptation has helped Australian land snails thrive despite an increasingly inhospitable climate
Balinese Expressions: Baris Dance
His eyes move up and down, left and right as the brave young warrior seeks his adversaries.
Science -
Bird poo frogs – more species than meets the eye!
Identifying hidden frog species (that look like bird poo) using DNA
What do beetle taxonomists do on their holidays?
For some reason my family holidays always seem to include good beetle collecting localities, even in the most unlikely places.
North Queensland Rock-wallabies cause a rethink of biological theory
Rock-wallabies teach us about evolution, as well as looking cute
Our Global Neighbours: Javanese Shadow Puppets
Even foreigners know it as wayang kulit, literally shadow hide, puppet or shadow theatre.
Science -
The Australian Museum Research Institute gets a worm!
A team of researchers celebrates the Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) by naming a new species of calcareous tubeworm!