What is the Audience Research Blog?
What is the Audience Research Blog and what might I find here?
I have been blogging about audience research since April 2007. We set up the Audience Research Blog as a way to start sharing tips and findings and general information as well as answering various questions. Now that the Museum's new website has been launched, this curent blog is where I will now continue adding the types of posts I was doing before: primarily answering queries I get via email, reporting on conferences/workshops etc, posting interesting links, discussing Web 2.0 issues (my passion!) and generally pontificating as I do!
As there are still a huge range of resources on that site I will progressively copy them over to this blog where relevant as well as leave the blog there as a rich archive of audience research information.
So, I welcome you to this blog and please feel free to ask questions or even have go at answering some of them yourselves!