Youth Eco Summit 2016
Youth Eco Summit (YES) 2016 is a curriculum-based sustainability festival filled with engaging workshops and interactive displays. The Australian Museum partnered with the Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) and Cooks River Alliance (CRA) to run workshops and a display themed around ‘From the Mountains to the Sea’.

© Australian Museum
The workshops and display theme were chosen to celebrate Earth Science Week and National Water Week and focused on Catchment health. Students were enthralled with the interactive catchment model from the Museum in a Box® program. The model is designed to show students about how activities in one part of the catchment have impacts downstream.
We have been participating in YES for the last 4 years and it is always a great 2 days. The sustainability festival provided us with the opportunity to share ideas, and promote catchment health and water quality to student across western Sydney.