Staff Publications
Showing 151 to 163 of 163
Year | Reference |
2014 | Leis, J. M; Paris, C. B; Irisson, J-O; Yerman, M. N; Siebeck, U. E.
Orientation of fish larvae in situ is consistent among locations, years and methods, but varies with time of day.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 505 193–208.
2015 | Leis, J. M; Siebeck, U. E; Hay, A. C; Paris, C. B; Chateau, O; Wantiez, L.
In situ orientation of fish larvae can vary among regions.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 537 191-203.
2013 | Leis, J. M; Hay, A. C; Sasal, P; Hicks, A. S; Galzin, R.
Pelagic to demersal transition in a coral-reef fish, the orbicular batfish Platax orbicularis.
Journal of Fish Biology 83 466-479.
1991 | Leis J.M; Trnski, T; Galzin, R; Harmelin-Vivien, M; Renon, J.-P; Dufour, V; El Moudni, M.K..
High concentrations of tuna larvae (Pisces: Scombridae) in near-shore waters of French Polynesia (Society and Tuamotu Islands).
Bulletin of Marine Science 48 150-158.
2005 | Lindeman, K.C; Richards, W.J; Lyczkowski-Shultz, J; Drass D.M; Paris C.B; Leis J.M; Lara, M; Comyns B.H..
Lutjanidae: Snappers.
Early Stages of Atlantic Fishes. An identification guide for the Western Central Atlantic 1549-1586.
2009 | Paris, C; Irisson, J-O; Lacroix, G; Fiksen, Ø; Leis, J. M; Mullon, C.
2003 | Leis J.M; Trnski, T; Dufour, V; Harmelin-Vivien, M; Renon, J.-P; Galzin, R..
Local completion of the pelagic larval stage of coastal fishes in the coral-reef lagoons of the Society and Tuamotu Islands.
Coral Reefs 22 3 271-290.
1998 | McGrouther, M.A; D.F. Hoese; J.R. Paxton; S.E. Reader; D.J. Bray; D.E. Brown; J.M. Leis.
Types of the Australian Museum Fish Collection.
2009 | Munday, P. L; Leis, J. M; Lough, J. M; Paris, C. B; Kingsford, M. J; Berumen, M. L; Lambrechts, J.
Climate change and coral reef connectivity.
Coral Reefs 28 379–395.
2002 | Sponaugle, S; Cowen, R.K; Shanks A; Morgan, S.G; Leis J.M; Pineda, J; Boehlert G.W; Kingsford, M.J; Lindeman, K; Grimes C; Munro, J.L..
Predicting self-recruitment in marine populations: biophysical correlates.
Bulletin of Marine Science 70 1, supplement 341-376.
2009 | McCook, L. J; Almany, G. R; Berumen, M. L; Day, J. C; Green, A. L; Jones, G. P; Leis, J. M; Planes, S; Russ, G. R; Sale, P. F; Thorrold, S. R.
Management under uncertainty: guide-lines for incorporating connectivity into the protection of coral reefs.
Coral Reefs 28 353–366.
2013 | Wen, C. K. C; Almany, G. R; Williamson, D. H; Pratchett, M. S; Mannering, T. D; Evans, R. D; Leis, J. M; Jones, G. P.
Recruitment hotspots boost the effectiveness of no-take marine reserves.
Conservation Biology 166 124-131.
2013 | Leis, J. M; Caselle, J. E; Bradbury, I. R; Kristiansen, T; Llopiz, J. K; Miller, M. J; O’Connor, M. I; Paris, C. B; Shanks, A. L; Sogard, S. M; Swearer, S. E; Treml, E. A; Vetter, R. D; Warner, R. R.
Does fish larval dispersal differ between high and low latitudes?.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280 1-9.