Larval development of Achoerodus viridis (Pisces: Labridae), the Australian Eastern Blue Groper
Larvae of the southeastern Australian endemic hypsigenyin labrid Achoerodus viridis are described and illustrated from 30 specimens (3.0–9.6mm) captured in plankton nets and larval fish beach seines. Development is typical for labrids. Larvae of A. viridis can be distinguished from those of other labrids because they possess distinctive pigment, 28 myomeres, and fin ray counts of D XI,11, A III,11, and P1 16–18. Larvae of closely related hypsigenyin labrid genera are poorly known but are similar in morphology and pigmentation. Adult A. viridis live on coastal rocky reefs. Larvae of 3.0–8.2mm were captured over the continental shelf off central New South Wales in the Western Tasman Sea. Larvae of 6.6–7.7mm were captured in a tidal channel leading to an estuarine lagoon, and the smallest larvae captured in seagrass beds in the lagoon were 7.2 and 8.5mm.